28 July 2021

Control Room Operator

The role of Control Room Operators (CRO) during emergency situations at their working area is very important because they have to react to prevent / minimize the effects of an #incident. Some of the work they have to do are:

- Informing about Emergency & Safety Procedures

- Identifying & reporting emergencies

- Taking proper training

- Working safely according to #Security & Safety Regulations

- Knowing about the status of equipment to detect, protect, communicate & carry out evacuation

- Identifying faulty systems & their #mitigation

- Accessing operation status, simultaneous #operation, information on #weather conditions & information on availability of Emergency Response Personnel

- Identifying & monitoring critical situations in the work area

- Activating all alarms

- Taking actions to control #critical situations

- Taking actions to minimize risks to personnel, work, #plant & equipment

- Taking actions to #secure the situation by activating the #Emergency Response Team, providing facilities, notifying the Liaison Installations & #Guard Officers about the required facilities, conducting #isolation, conducting #evacuation & others

- Communicating all information & instructions to personnel

- Coordinating #response to emergencies

- Clarifying & following up on #information & #feedback received

More information: https://www.samson-tiara.co.id/Course/Control-Room-Operator/

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Helicopter Underwater Escape

The Helicopter accidents at Offshore Oil & Gas sites have caused the loss of many lives worldwide. The accidents on Helicopters usually occur due to:

- The damaged machinery & equipment inside the Helicopter

- The disturbances & obstacles that make the Helicopter unable to land / fly perfectly

- The leak in the #fuel that causes a #fire

- The mistake done by the pilots

- The bad weather conditions

- The failed operation of Helicopter system

- The dangerous goods are placed near the Helicopter

In order for you to react properly when an emergency occurs on an Offshore Helicopter, you must have the proper abilities to:

- Know about the #flight process that will occur when you are in the Helicopter (take off & land)

- Know about the Helicopter Safety Requirements

- Know about the dangers that will occur on the Helicopter

- Check all #PPE, safety & survival equipment

- #Secure & #save yourself when an emergency occurs in the Helicopter

- Escape from the Helicopter when an #emergency occurs in the Helicopter (above the water & underwater)

- Escape from the Helicopter when the #Helicopter is inverted #underwater

- #Evacuate yourself & others

- Survive offshore

More information: https://www.samson-tiara.co.id/Course/Helicopter-Underwater-Escape-Training-HUET/

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Plant Manager / Incident Commander – Initial Response

The Factory Managers, Incident Commanders & Emergency Management Teams must be alert when various events occur which can give bad effects & losses & turn into an emergency. Some events to alert for are:

- Extreme weather conditions

- Disturbed #environment

- Sabotage

- Situation at the factory next door

Emergency situations that usually occur in the factory & company are:

- Type A Emergency: Emergency that is easy to control if managed properly

- Type B Emergency: Emergency that can escalate if not controlled

- Type C Emergency: An uncontrollable emergency that requires an evacuation process

In an emergency, the Factory Managers, #Incident Commanders & Emergency #Management Teams in the Emergency #Command #Center at the #factory / #company must take the following actions:

- Planning actions to be taken when an emergency occurs (preparation, implementation, completion)

- Preparing themselves to be always on standby in responding to & dealing with emergencies that occur

- Monitoring & controlling resources

- Receiving, reviewing & assessing information about emergencies

- Sounding an #alarm when an emergency occurs

- Communicating & providing information & instructions efficiently regarding emergencies that occur to the right parties

- Providing proper facilities to handle emergencies

- Directing all team members to perform their duties & delegate authority to appropriate personnel

- Taking effective actions to deal with emergencies in accordance with pre-planned & predetermined emergency strategies & procedures

- Evacuating all personnel & workers to gathering places & #evacuation places

- Searching for missing personnel & workers

- Handling the victims (individuals / teams / all personnel) who are injured & being stress which usually occurs during an emergency

- Ensuring that the emergency is over

- Evaluating all actions that have been taken

- Informing any changes to the #rescue & #emergency plan

More information: https://www.samson-tiara.co.id/Course/Plant-Manager-Incident-Commander/

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27 July 2021

Stuck Pipe Prevention and Solutions

Well Planners, Well Engineers, Drilling Supervisors & #Drilling Personnel must have knowledge about the causes of stuck pipes. Here are some ways they can do to reduce / fix stuck pipes:

- Planning & operating wells in their best ways

- Supervising the work in the well so that workers, drillers, #drill assistants & mud engineers can work well & safely

- Identifying various things that can cause stuck pipes

- Taking action to avoid stuck pipes, one of which is to design wells

- Checking hole conditions & clean holes in vertical & horizontal wells to avoid stuck pipes

- Taking appropriate action to maintain smooth traffic in the #well

- Recognizing the signs that indicate the stuck pipes

- Communicating effectively, especially to provide information about the conditions that cause stuck pipes

- Taking the right action to fix the stuck pipes

More information: https://www.samson-tiara.co.id/Course/Stuck-Pipe-Prevention-And-Solutions/

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26 July 2021

Confined Space Entrant and Attendant

If you are the Worker, Supervisor & Safety Officer working in a Confined Space environment, you need the knowledge & skills required to work safely in the Confined Space #environment.

To work in the Confined Space safely, you must do the following:

- Understanding the applicable Confined Space Regulations

- Understanding the duties & obligations that must be carried out

- Having knowledge about Physical Hazards & Atmospheric Hazards that will be faced

- Having the Permit to Work in a Confined Space

- Using equipment for self-protection (equipment for #respiratory #protection, equipment for entering Confined Space, equipment for working in Confined Space, ropes for lifting & pulling, equipment for #communication, equipment for #gas detection, SCBA, SAR & more)

- Performing proper procedures to enter & exit #Confined Space safely

- Having the ability to take action to #save yourself & control an #emergency

More information: https://www.samson-tiara.co.id/Course/Confined-Space-Safety-Entrant-Attendant/

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Travel Safely by Boat

If you work as a personnel required to travel by boat to & from Offshore Installations, you really need the ability to know about Safety & Emergency Procedures, so that you can travel safely to & from Offshore Installations by boat & take appropriate action when an emergency occurs.

To travel safely by boat to & from Offshore Installations, you have to do the following things:

- Knowing about applicable Safety Regulations that must be obeyed

- Preparing yourself & all the necessary equipment before traveling

- Knowing that only some tools & equipment are allowed to be carried on / by the #boat

- Knowing the area to be passed when traveling to & from Offshore Installations

- Knowing about the risks & dangers that will be faced

- Using proper safety equipment (#PPE, respirator, buoy, #Lifeboat & more)

- Planning strategies to control risks & hazards, including carrying out the process of moving yourself & other personnel using ropes, boats & others

- Planning the right #travel process so that the trip can be carried out safely

- Having the ability to act when an #emergency occurs

More information: https://www.samson-tiara.co.id/Course/Travel-Safely-By-Boat/

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25 July 2021

Health, Safety and Environment

Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) is a term for laws, rules, guidelines & processes designed to help to protect employees, the public & the environment from harm. HSE will help companies to maintain health & safety in the workplace & #protect the surrounding #environment. This must be done to ensure that the company's activities do not harm anyone.

On the #Health side, companies must carry out work & activities in the company safely & environmentally friendly. This is very useful to prevent / reduce the risk & danger to its employees.

On the #Safety side, companies will be able to identify & prevent hazards at the #workplace & reduce accidents & hazardous substances. To do this, the companies must properly train their employees so that they can prevent accidents & injuries, take action to deal with accidents & use #protective clothing & equipment. Employees should also be trained to monitor various hazards, including #ergonomic hazards, exposure to carcinogens, falls from heights & heavy #machinery.

On the Environmental side, companies will be able to comply with the applicable #Environmental Regulations, so that the company can manage waste / air emissions & reduce #carbon footprint.

Overall, HSE will help the companies & employees to:
- Identify & understand HSE Rules
- Comply with all applicable HSE Regulations
- Communicate the HSE Regulations to the #Executive Management so that the companies can implement appropriate measures

For Senior Managers, Supervisors & other Personnel who have the responsibility to make key decisions regarding HSE in the workplace, they must have the ability to comply & enforce applicable regulations. They must also have the ability to make the right #strategy to conduct the #HSE Program in the companies where they work.

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22 July 2021

Essentials of Plug and Abandonment

All Technical Personnel outside of the #Plug & Abandonment (P&A) Industry, such as those from the #Drilling, Production, Facility Management & QHSE Departments must have the knowledge about the Principles, Methodology, Practicality & Risks associated with Well P&A. They must have the ability to:

- Know about the P&A Operations (planning, execution & timing) which is managed & executed by a multidisciplinary team consisting of Asset Manager, Well Engineer, Completion #Engineer, Logistics #Technician & others

- Understand the difference between Permanent Abandonment & Temporary Abandonment (Suspension)

- Manage communications to ensure that P&A Operations are carried out effectively

- Have knowledge about applicable regulations

- Have knowledge about the principles of barriers

- Ensure that P&A Operations have been carried out in accordance with the Well Abandonment Industry directives

- Know about the Abandonment Process, Risks & #Mitigation related to the Well #Abandonment Technique

- Know about the #Barrier Verification & Testing Techniques that can ensure the presence of materials used, number of barriers & physical requirements

- Understand about the requirements in Operations P&A (contingency planning, rapid reaction & more)

- Know about the material placement, fluid degradation, sludge contamination, #corrosion, sheath erosion, annular pressure effects & #environmental issues

- Understand about some of the special cases & considerations taken into account when leaving a well, including the various approaches & risks associated with abandoning a #well

More information: https://www.samson-tiara.co.id/Course/Essentials-of-Plug-and-Abandonment/

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21 July 2021

Basic Sea Survival

Stranded in the #ocean due to a sunken #ship & being swept out to sea by undercurrents is a scary experience. If this scary #experience occurs, then the strategies you can take to #protect & save yourself in order to stay #alive are to:
- Bring food & drinking water
- Have equipment for survival: tools for floating, tools for fishing & tools for storing water
- Fish & collect rainwater when food & drinks run out
- Bring clothes & sleeping bag to keep the body #temperature warm & protected from sunburn & #Hypothermia
- Carry & use proper rescue equipment: life jacket, headgear, #respiratory #protection equipment, First #Aid kit, #Fire Fighting Equipment, Lifeboat & #Raft
- Keep your guard up against Sharks, waves & tidal waves
- #Swim with other people so you don't drown
- Use mirrors & signaling devices to notify other ships & #Rescue Teams that you need #help

Therefore, while carrying out their work for an indefinite period of time, Offshore Personnel must have the necessary knowledge & skills to:
- Work well & participate maximally in their work
- Form a group / team that can work together
- Cooperate with others so they can take #care of themselves & others & save lives
- Use survival equipment that can save their lives (#PPE, buoys)
- Provide & repair equipment for survival that can save their #life & others (nets, #Lifeboat)
- Do the right #strategy to #survive in the #sea
- Take appropriate action to #save themselves & others (help to lift, transfer & jump)

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High Pressure, High Temperature Drilling Operations

All Drilling Personnel, Well Planners & Senior Drilling Crews should understand about the following:

- Definition of High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT) wells

- Characteristics that make HPHT wells challenging

- Difference between HPHT & conventional wells

- Strategies for working & communicating with team members

- Strategies to optimize performance

- Strategies to ensure #safe #engineering & well operation

- Important requirements of the #rig

- Drilling equipment (rigs, #fluid control equipment & #well control equipment)

- Abnormal #pressure, kick causes, kick detection, drilling method, #volumetric method & more

- Latest drilling trends, changes in operational practices at HPHT wells, #data & more

- Actions that need to be taken

- Bottom hole pressure, temperature effect & operational procedures to be followed to minimize surge effects

- Gas behavior

- Techniques to monitor #gas during #drilling

- #Underground flows & incoming currents that may appear

- Effect of #temperature on casing design

- Importance of HPHT testing

More information: https://www.samson-tiara.co.id/Course/HPHT-High-Pressure-High-Temperature-Drilling-Operations/

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Advanced Fire Fighting

Fire & explosion can harm companies & industries at any time. It can also injure & eliminate the lives of its employees. Fire & explosion disasters occur for various reasons as follows:

- Managers & employees are not aware of the risks in the workplace

- The presence of #flammable dust, liquid, oil & gas

- There are jobs for brazing, burning, heating & soldering

- There are damaged equipment & machines

- There is damage to #electricity

Tips for preventing fire & explosion:

- The work area must always be cleaned from combustible materials

- The #combustible materials (dust, liquid & #gas) must be stored in the right place

- Proper safety procedures must be followed

- Hazardous work should be avoided whenever possible

- Workers must know about the work they will do

- #Emergency must be preventable & handled by the company & its workers

- Workers must have a Work Permit

- All work must be supervised by a #professional Safety Supervisor

- The company must provide personal protective equipment

The main strategies for preventing fire & explosion are:

- #Awareness

- Cleanliness

- Maintenance

Fire & explosion must be handled by Fire Fighting Team Members who have the knowledge & skills to deal with #fire & #explosion #safely & effectively. They must have the ability to:

- Know about Fire Theory

- Know about different types of fires (Class A, B & C)

- Form a Fire Fighting Team

- Lead / cooperate with all members of the Fire Fighting Team

- Perform tasks properly as a leader / team member

- Wear proper personal #protective equipment (including #SCBA)

- Use #fire fighting equipment (#hose, #portable, foam, water & more) appropriately

- Extinguish fires with correct technique & tactics

- Deal with injured & traumatized victims

More information: https://www.samson-tiara.co.id/Course/Advanced-Firefighting-TEEX/

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19 July 2021

Fast Rescue Craft Coxswain

Various incidents & accidents can occur at sea due to:
- Ship capsized & sunk
- Ship passengers are thrown, crashed & sunk
- Bad weather & water conditions
- #Remote location
- Fire that occurs on the ship

Some of the appropriate actions to prevent #incident & #accident at #sea are by:
- Performing maintenance on the ship
- Taking care of yourself by taking Safety Courses
- Making sure that all passengers have the ability to #swim
- Ensuring that all passengers understand the dangers of Hypothermia
- Having the ability to operate the ship when an emergency occurs
- Informing all plans to work offshore to superiors & supervisors
- Having knowledge about the destination, #Hospital, #Emergency #Command Post & others
- Ensuring that various safety equipment (binoculars, flashlight, strap, #automatic #alarm, #GPS, #Radio & more) are available on the #ship
- Wearing #PPE (#life jackets, helmets & more)
- Having the ability to #save yourself & others (extinguishing #fire, saving drowning people & more)
- Providing #medical #care if needed (#CPR, First #Aid, #Hypothermia)
- Reporting the incidents & accidents to the authorities (#Coast #Guard & others)

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18 July 2021

Tropical - Helicopter Underwater Escape Training

Until now, the Helicopter is a type of #aircraft that is very useful for #human safety. When rescuing humans from the #emergency situation, #incident & #accident that occur, one of the things that the pilots & crews have to do is make sure that the correct lighting is turned on, so that they can find a safe place, land & put the victims in that #safe place.

Apart from transporting passengers & goods & rescuing people, Helicopters are also used in #medical emergencies by transporting injured or sick patients to / from hospitals, distant places, overseas & others.

However, incidents & accidents can also happen in Helicopters. Emergencies that can occur in Helicopter are #fire, breakdown & Helicopter overturning.

Therefore, all employees, personnel & workers planning to #travel to & from Offshore Oil & Gas Installations & Vessels by Helicopter in a #tropical #environment must have the knowledge, ability & skills to:

- Know about Helicopter Safety Requirement

- Know about the dangers that can occur when incidents & accidents occur on the Helicopter

- Know the techniques to escape from the Helicopter

- Use safety equipment

- Take appropriate actions before & during the #flight (check-in, boarding, flying, landing, disembarking procedures)

- Take action to handle emergencies, especially in the event of incidents & accidents on Helicopter

- Escape from Helicopter when Helicopter is on water surface & #underwater, especially #escape through windows in the #Helicopter

- #Survive in the #sea

More information: https://www.samson-tiara.co.id/Course/T-HUET/

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16 July 2021

Tropical - Further Offshore Emergency Training

The employees, personnel & workers who work at Offshore Oil & Gas Installations in the #tropical areas should be aware that #emergency situations can always occur at the area where they work. Some of the emergencies that will occur are:
- #Chemical spills
- Machinery malfunction
- Dangerous #gas releases
- Structural failures
- Adverse #weather conditions (hurricane)
- Potable water contamination
- Drifting of unmanned barge in the sea
- Explosions
- Fires

Note: The deadliest Offshore Oil #Rig accidents happened mostly because the offshore oil drilling capsized & sank & killed almost all the crew members onboard. The fires & explosions that occur on Oil Rigs are also the most devastating types of offshore accidents.

The works in Offshore Oil & Gas Installations provide many benefits for the workers, but also endanger the lives of the workers. Injuries suffered by the workers as a result of accidents occurring on Oil Rigs have long term consequences for themselves & their families.

Therefore, all the employees, personnel & workers at Offshore Oil & Gas Installations must have the skills & abilities to:
- Use the #safety equipment (#PPE, #Lifeboat, #TEMPSC & others)
- Follow procedures in preparing for & during Helicopter emergencies – with particular focus on escaping from a #Helicopter following ditching
- Use Basic Fire Fighting Equipment effectively to extinguish #fire
- Perform #Rescue Techniques in low visibility & completely blurred visibility situations (smoke filled areas)
- Conduct the right actions to #survive at the #sea
- Conduct Basic First #Aid (#Hypothermia)
- Conduct #evacuation

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15 July 2021

Fall Protection And Basic Rescue

A wide range of knowledge of Fall Protection Equipment & Rescue Plans is necessary to ensure that workers can work in a #safe & #professional manner. This knowledge can also reduce the risk to the health of workers & their assistants after #incident & #accident (falls) occur in the #workplace.

When the workers want to Work at Height safely, they must have the knowledge & skills to:
- Know about the main causes of injury & death in the workplace
- Know about the height at the place where they will do their work
- Identify the dangers they will encounter while Working at #Height
- Know about the Protective Techniques they have to use when falling (types & requirements)
- Know about #Rescue Equipment & Techniques
- Have the necessary First #Aid kits & medicines
- Use appropriate equipment to do the job & to protect & save themselves & the fallen workers
- Identify situations when they have to protect themselves & save themselves & other workers when they #fall
- Take appropriate action to #save themselves & other workers when falling

Important Note: The age that is getting older, physical changes & #health conditions make the possibility of falling more likely. The most important part of the body that must be protected when falling is the head. Prioritize #protection of the head when falling because a very serious head #injury can kill the victim. Wear a #protective #helmet, bend your chin down & lower your head #safely.

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10 September 2020

Preparing for Success When Working and Learning Online by Samson Tiara


The COVID-19 Pandemic has made many aspects of our lives more difficult in 2020, seriously disrupting almost all aspects of day-to-day life, business operations, transportation, tourism and even education. With much of the workforce required to work from home under a “new normal”, many questioned the ability to remain productive and achieve both business and personal goals. However, using the right tools, many businesses can not only maintain reasonable levels of productivity in their workforce, they can also come out on the other side of this crisis stronger and better equipped thanks to online education.

For years, there has been numerous free and paid online education services offered by numerous companies, institutes and universities. While there has been adequate use of these offerings to keep them going and improving over the years, they have primarily been used by those who are more comfortable with technology. Thanks to the rapid adaptation required due to COVID-19 restrictions, increasing numbers of people are moving to online educational offerings to hone existing skills or develop new ones. The growth in online education has been explosive over the past 6 months.

Read more at Samson Tiara's Blog: Preparing for Success When Working and Learning Online 

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20 August 2020

Safety & Survival at Sea by Samson Tiara

Even in this modern age of aeroplanes and helicopters, we still rely heavily on the sea for transportation of goods. Cargo ships, oil tankers and fishing vessels still ply the waves around the world daily. Additionally, approximately 30% of the world’s oil supply comes from offshore exploration meaning a huge number of rigs, production platforms and support vessels are operating at sea.

As with any industry involving complex machinery and human interaction, accidents can, and frequently do, occur. In most instances, the root cause of casualties and incidents at sea occur due to the failure of machines, tools, systems or equipment, weather and human error. Mistakes made by workers and operators play a major role in maritime accidents, with complex investigations needed to unravel the chain of events leading to an incident. While an incident may be brief, it can leave lasting impacts, not just on the people involved, but also on the environment and ecosystem.

Common Sources of Maritime Accidents

  • Accidents on Offshore Oil Rigs & Installations: The 2010 Deepwater Horizon incident in the Gulf of Mexico was an accident involving an oil rig. Offshore oil & gas exploration utilises a great deal of heavy equipment and complex work processes. Even a minor issue, or negligence of a single work process can lead to massive catastrophic incidents.
  • Accidents on Crude Oil Tankers: The main cause of accidents on oil tankers is fire or explosions. The nature of the materials transported by tankers is dangerous and highly flammable, making it easier for an explosion to occur. According to statistics the biggest cause of these incidents on oil tankers is due to worker negligence.

Read the full article at the blog of Samson Tiara at: Safety & Survival at Sea by Samson Tiara .

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12 August 2020

Safety & Survival in the Offshore Industry by Samson Tiara

Working On Offshore Can Be Dangerous 

One of the most dangerous careers and hazardous professions both physically and mentally is working on an offshore oil and gas platform, because of the isolation, the extreme weather conditions, the location conditions and the operating of heavy machinery and equipment for hours at a time that can cause high risk of injuries and death. If something goes wrong on an offshore location, the results can be disastrous. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in its report recommends that “employers should ensure that the most stringent applicable transportation safety guidelines are followed.”

According to the UK Health and Safety Executive – (HSE), several divisions are taken as the most dangerous offshore jobs where most accidents and injuries occur, such as:

  • Deck Operations: There were around 39 incidents recorded from 2012 to 2014
  • Management and Accommodation: There were 43 death from 2013 to 2015
  • Oil and Gas: There were 56 incidents in 2014
  • Maintenance and Construction: There were 76 recorded injuries in this sector from 2014 to 2015
  • Drilling and Production: From 2014 to 2015, 19 incidents were recorded offshore UK and there is no evidence that current drilling safety measures are protecting drill operators

Read the full article at the blog of Samson Tiara at: Safety & Survival in the Offshore Industry by Samson Tiara

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11 August 2020

The Importance of Hand Safety by Samson Tiara

The human hands are an exceptional feat of engineering. Made up of complex interactions between bones, muscles and ligaments, they are our most important tools for interacting with the world around us. Our hands are in constant use, involved in almost every task we do on a daily basis, often without even thinking about it, making our hands very vulnerable to injury.

Even minor injuries to our hands can have a disproportionate impact when compared to minor injuries to another part of our body, because our hands are always in use. Consider a simple cut to the index finger vs a cut to your arm. Both will hurt, with a cut to the arm, you will bandage it and likely forget about it. A cut to the finger, however, will cause frequent discomfort as you carry out your tasks; Washing your hands, typing an email, preparing a meal, all basic things you do daily but you will be constantly reminded of the injury due to pain, discomfort or reduced mobility due to the wound.

Read the full article at the blog of Samson Tiara at: The Importance of Hand Safety by Samson Tiara

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01 November 2019

ACCELERATE Jakarta 2019 by iSystem Asia and Creatio

ACCELERATE Event is the Creatio Global Tour and Premier Event for business and technology leaders. Creatio holds this event in 15 countries around the world, and Jakarta is chosen to be the only country to hold this event in Asia Pacific. After the ACCELERATE Event that is always filled with world-class thought leaders who share their industry expertise and success stories on how to accelerate business growth, the participants at the event always get inspirations and insightful thoughts in best and smart ways.

iSystem Asia and Creatio are very proud to host the third ACCELERATE Jakarta 2019 Event for the whole Asia in Jakarta, Indonesia on 5 September 2019 at The Westin Jakarta. Moderated by the Senior Partner of iSystem Asia - Ananta Dewandhono, this third event brings good connections to more than 500 executive business people from the top and leading companies in Indonesia and Asia Pacific who come with powerful plans and positive enthusiasms.

At ACCELERATE Jakarta 2019 Event, the Managing Director of iSystem Asia - Aina Neva Fiati - hopes that the implementation of the CRM system in Indonesia continues to keep pace with the rapid growth of the digital industry today. It takes a strategic step from the C-level in designing the strategy and implementation of a company's CRM. “Paul Greenberg's presence marks the industry in the Asia Pacific region, especially in Indonesia, in the spotlight and of course the standard system of relations to customers continues to increase," said Aina.

iSystem Asia (PT Inter Sistem Asia), as the only partner integrator of Creatio in Indonesia and Asia Pacific, is the Management and Technology Consulting Company. It focuses on Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Customer Experience Management (CX), and Business Process Management (BPM). It provides the services training, certification, consulting and system implementation. With the clients from telecommunication, banking, finance, aerospace, construction, FMCG, education, and government agency, iSystem Asia brings unique and global approaches to improve business’ efficiencies and simplify its process.

Creatio (previously known as bpm’online) is the Global Business Software Company leading in the space of low-code, business process automation and CRM. As Creatio has been highly recognized as a market leader by key industry analysts, its intelligent platform accelerates sales, marketing, service and operations for thousands of customers and hundreds of partners worldwide. The mission of Creatio is to help companies ACCELERATE!

Both of iSystem Asia and Creatio have been successfully helping companies in Indonesia to implement CRM and BPM for 7 years. 

ACCELERATE Jakarta 2019 Event is being held by iSystem Asia and Creatio with the purpose that all technology and business leaders can share their experiences. All the participants who come to the event highly appreciate the biggest and greatest knowledges shared by the successful leaders.

The best speakers for ACCELERATE Jakarta 2019 Event in Jakarta are:
  • Paul Greenberg - Managing Principal of The 56 Group, LLC, and author of the best-selling “CRM at the Speed of Light”
  • Alex Donchuk, Bogdan Henderson and Mike Hryshchenko from Creatio
  • Harismawan Wahyuadi from PT Citilink Indonesia, Azalea Ayuningtya from Du’Anyam and Ernawan - the Senior IT Consultant at Wijaya Karya

PAUL GREENBERG - Managing Principal of The 56 Group, LLC, and author of the best-selling “CRM at the Speed of Light”

Paul Greenberg is the Managing Principal of The 56 Group, LLC, the Master and Guru of CRM and the most recognized analyst of CRM Industry in the world. Paul who comes to Jakarta for the first time is the author of a best seller book called "CRM at the Speed ​​of Light”. Because of this book, he is also known as "The Godfather of CRM”. This famous book that is also known as "The Holy Book for The CRM Industry” has been translated into 9 languages. Around 70 best universities in the world and most business and CRM practitioners have been using the book as the reference sources in their professional and business works. 

In ACCELERATE Jakarta 2019 event, Paul Greenberg shares his good knowledge and inspirations about “A Company Like Me: Creating A Humanized, Customer-Engaged Company”. 

There is a revolution in Digital Communications that changes the world of institutions and business. Things that change are about the ways to communicate, the expectation of the communication, the time when we expect the response, who we trust when we do the communication and the volume of communications. The other things that also have changed are about what the customers expect from the interactions, transactions, longer term engagement and experience with institutions and individuals.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the only science of business that attempts to reproduce an art of life. CRM is a technology and system that sustains sales, marketing and customer service activities. It is designed to capture and interpret customer data, both structured and unstructured, and to sustain the management of the business side of customer related operations. CRM technology automates processes and workflows and helps organize and interpret data to support a company in engaging its customers more effectively. 

Paul Greenberg believes that Customer Experience is all about how a customer feels about a company over time. The customers will always continue to do business with the companies if they like the companies.

Some of the things that the companies need to concern about are making experience seamless, recognizing that the customer will be expecting the best results in all channels, and knowing about the customers that can help to make good decisions.

Some of the preparations that the companies need to do to improve customer relationships are to ensure that the companies can meet customer expectations, provide the most important channels for customers, treat customers as partners, provide whatever the customer needs, and acknowledge that the ideas of customers are not the same as the ideas from the companies.

Paul Greenberg shares some case studies about CRM from the successful companies, and two of them are Ryanair and Dialog Axiata Group. These two companies really learned that the business in their companies can be good when they really care about their customers and when they always try to serve their customers in nice ways.

Ryanair became the largest airline in Europe after doing better things, like reducing booking flight from 17 clicks to 5 clicks, deleting the penalty when the customers cancel the flight in 24 hours grace period, reducing the baggage fee, giving free second bag in cabin, and allowing portable electronic devices. The CEO of Ryanair, Michael O’Leary, said that if he knew that being nice to customers was going to work so well, he would have started it many years ago. 

Dialog Axiata Group becomes one of the top and largest telecommunication companies in Sri Lanka after managing customer experience from the “service delivery end”, managing customer lifecycle from end to end, monitoring customers’ accounts in the background, providing exceptional value-added services, and mapping customer journey daily. The CCO of Dialog Axiata, Sandra De Zoysa, said that these are all about the service from the heart when Dialog Axiata Group wants to make the life of customers becomes more easier and how well Dialog Axiata Group fits into the customers’ lifestyles.


In ACCELERATE Jakarta 2019 event, the great people who speaks on behalf of Creatio are Alex Donchuk - the Global Channel Director, Bogdan Henderson - the Partner Account Manager for APAC and Mike Hryshchenko - the Regional Sales Director. They shared about the business plans and ideas on “Low-Code Technologies to Accelerate Digital Transformation”.

From the year of 2019 to 2020, Creatio has its strategy to create Low-Code BPM Platform, deliver powerful CRM offering, build strong ecosystem, grow the business partners, and be passionate about customers. 

Low-Code Platform is created for traditional consumers and business users because Creatio believes that everyone is developer. The product of Low Code Platform is created under the name of Free Studio. This intelligent low-code platform called Free Studio has out-of-the-box solutions and templates, and it is a free powerful tool to simplify process design. This product that is free of charge offers users a powerful yet easy to-use SaaS tool for creating custom applications.

Low-Code Platform can design process diagrams and build process flows with simple visual tools, manage all process in a single environment, standardize the process management and simplify process documentation.

The experts in Creatio have been successful to share their knowledge and experiences to the customers, organizations and companies by providing trainings at its online courses and live training, and giving certifications. In Indonesia, the trainings are held in Indonesian Language by its cooperation with iSystem Asia. Two of the new certifications that have been created are Analyst and Developer. 

Until today, Creatio has been successful to cooperate with 600 companies from 99 countries as its partners and reach the business in Chicago, Miami, Jakarta, London, Paris, Moscow, Minsk, Kiev, Dubai, Almaty and Melbourne. Creatio becomes a 5-Star Partner Program Award Winner in 2019 for the third year in a row.

HARISMAWAN WAHYUADI - from PT Citilink Indonesia, AZALEA AYUNINGTYA - from Du’Anyam and ERNAWAN - from Wijaya Karya

In ACCELERATE Jakarta 2019 Event, iSystem Asia and Creatio are very proud to inform that PT Citilink Indonesia, Du’Anyam and Wijaya Karya are three of their best clients. At the event, Harismawan Wahyuadi - the VP Ancillary & Cargo of PT Citilink Indonesia, Azalea Ayuningtya - the CEO and Founder of Du’Anyam, and Ernawan - the Senior IT Consultant at Wijaya Karya are happy to explain about “Business Success Stories on How Technology Helps Drive Better Results and Accelerate Growth”. It is all about the successful business activities that they have ever since they work together with iSystem Asia and Creatio. 

On “Revenue Streaming in Airlines Industry - Citilink Indonesia” presentation, Harismawan Wahyuadi said that PT Citilink Indonesia had found some problems before working together with Creatio. The problems were about no system to record information about inventory, the difficulty to tracking sales on board, and the mismatch between manual records and the number of items sold on board. At that time, PT Citilink Indonesia also needed an application that could help crew to find out about the detail information of each passenger and helped Citilink provide good service to passengers. 
When PT Citilink Indonesia works together with Creatio, the process helps PT Citilink Indonesia to work easily, because the system that is integrated with CRM Service and Marketing is very flexible, easy, and user-friendly, and that system can provide business process of sales on board. The Web Application can truly see the history of each flight, the historical data of each passenger, the information on each passenger, the history of each crew, and the flight schedules. It can register and record the sales record number, the items that enter the trolley which resulted in good track of sales and goods and all events that occur on the plane. The application can also manage the data of product, inventory and warehouse on each station. The mobile apps application from Creatio helps PT Citilink Indonesia to synchronize, open list passenger, check notification and open detail information about list of product, order product and send message.

On “Business Success Stories on How Technology Helps to Drive Better Results and Accelerate Growth” presentation, Azalea Ayuningtya from Du’Anyam was opened about the problems that happened before working together with Creatio. The problems were about the high risk of inaccuracy in manual calculation, recap, and price matching; and the strategic decision making that could takes up to three to six months before all data collected and analyzed. 
After using the application created by Creatio, Du’Anyam finds benefits in the real-time of production tracking and verification of cash payment; and the improvement in production planning and economic impact assessment. The application can also measure the capacity and quality of production easily. 

The discussions with these three best clients of Creatio and iSystem Asia really show that Creatio and iSystem Asia are the reliable companies that help PT Citilink Indonesia, Du’Anyam and Wijaya Karya to get much better business performances.

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"Note: Photos by Creatio at: Creatio ."

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