09 November 2023

Class Of Fire And How To Deal With Fire

- Safety is everyone's responsibility!
- Fires are always breaking out all over the place!

Several classes of fires that usually occur in various industries and how to extinguish them:
- Class B Fire: Occurs due to flammable liquids, gas, and oil. It is extinguished with foam that removes oxygen and dry chemicals that break down the chemical chain reaction.
- Class C Fire: Occurs due to electrical equipment. It is extinguished with dry powder which breaks the electrical circuit and carbon dioxide which replaces oxygen.
- Class D Fire: Occurs due to flammable metals such as magnesium, sodium, potassium, and titanium. It is extinguished with a special dry powder which coats the metal surface and prevents it from reacting with oxygen.

Ways to deal with fire:
- Provide a fire extinguisher and know how to use it
- Carry out the Evacuation Process
- Don't stand too close to the fire
- Spray the fire extinguishing agent at the base of the fire and move from side to side
- Call the Fire Brigade if you don't know how to put out a fire

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31 October 2023

Plug At Oil And Gas Industry

Well holes in the Oil and Gas Industry are temporarily or permanently closed with plugs to:
- Reduce leaks in the wellbore
- Change the direction of the wellbore
- Close well holes that have been completed and are no longer needed

There are 2 types of plugs used:
- Cement Plug: A mixture of cement, sand, and water that is pumped into the wellbore and allowed to harden
- Mechanical Plug: A device that is inserted into the wellbore and then activated to close the borehole

Several steps to install the plug:
- Install a plug in the wellbore by pumping cement or inserting a mechanical plug, or doing both
- Ensure that the plug is properly sealed by pressurizing the wellbore and monitoring for leaks
- Once the plug has been installed and tested, the wellbore can be abandoned or used for another purpose

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30 October 2023

High Pressure In The Drilling Process

High pressure in the Drilling Process in the Oil and Gas Industry can cause several problems as follows:
- Loose and uncontrolled formation of fluid
- Borehole walls collapsed due to high pore water pressure
- Drill pipe stuck in the drill hole due to swelling of the drill hole walls
- Drilling mud leaks into the formation
- The drilling process becomes more difficult
- The drilling time becomes longer

Techniques for dealing with high pressure:
- Using drilling mud which can cool and lubricate the drill bit, remove debris, maintain well control, increase hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore, and prevent formation fluid from entering the drilled hole
- Using various sensors to monitor pressure in the wellbore and formation
- Using well control equipment to prevent and control blowouts
- Using new technology that can withstand high pressure and temperature

High pressure is a challenge in the Drilling Process in the Oil and Gas Industry, however, companies can use various new techniques and technologies to overcome hazards and risks and increase safety and efficiency.

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27 October 2023

Fire And Helideck

Fires also frequently occur on the Helideck. The Helideck is the place where the Helicopter lands and is usually located at:
- Offshore Oil and Gas Platform
- Ship
- Hospital
- Government Building
- High-Rise Building

Firefighting on the Helideck is the most important Safety Procedure in:
- Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
- Sea Transportation Industry
- Other industries that depend on Helicopters

The fire at Helideck is dangerous because of:
- Flammable materials: Aviation fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids and others
- Confined Space
- Rotating propeller on the Helicopter
- Heat and smoke produced by fire

If a fire occurs on the Helideck, the actions that the Fire Fighting Team must take are:
- Complying with Safety Procedures
- Using and providing PPE
- Facing and minimizing all dangers and risks that occur on the Helideck
- Protecting the lives of pilots, personnel, and passengers on the Helicopter, as well as personnel on the Helideck
- Evacuating all personnel
- Extinguishing fires using appropriate Fire Extinguishers

For the Firefighters at Helideck to comply with Safety Procedures and ensure the safety of themselves and others, they must take proper training.

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24 October 2023

Protection From Fall

Ways to protect the workers from falls when working at height:

- Ensure that the workers have taken training to protect themselves from falls, select and use the right equipment, carry out inspections, and others
- Identify and assess hazards and risks before starting any work at height: Electricity, items that may fall, trees, slippery surfaces, uneven surfaces, and others
- Have a Safety Plan and Procedure to work safely that is adapted to the height of the work area, type of work carried out, equipment used, and environmental conditions
- Check all equipment before use
- Ensure that all equipment is maintained and installed properly
- Ensure a flat and sturdy surface
- Use proper equipment: Fall Protection Equipment, Safety Ropes, Tie-down Ropes, Anchors, Ladders, Guardrails and more
- Practice Safe Working at Height: Use 3 points of contact at all times, be aware of surroundings, avoid excessive work and balance, and more
- Ensure that the workers rest at the specified times
- Ensure that communication with other people is always carried out
- Ensure that all workers can protect themselves

Protect yourself when you work at heights! Don't fall!

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