14 June 2022

Permit To Work

Companies must provide Permits To Work if their employees will perform tasks that are considered dangerous. Permit To Work is one of the best ways to control operations & safety & employees in a safe state.

Permit To Work is usually given to workers who work in:
- Hot area (welding, soldering, electric, gas, fire & more)
- Cold area
- Narrow area (Confines Space, pits, drains, tanks & more)
- Height
- Chemical producer (factories, chemical laboratories & others)
- Excavation

Permit To Work will ensure that:
- Company & its employees comply with applicable regulations
- Personnel are equipped with proper PPE equipment & have been trained to work safely
- Employees & contractors can complete the given task
- Employees are responsible for doing the right job
- Workers know the dangers they will face
- Workers can take necessary precautions
- Company realizes that it must be responsible if there is an accident that occurs after issuing a Permit To Work

One way that Permit To Work can be effectively enforced is by providing training programs to employees.

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