24 August 2022

Emergency On Helicopter

An emergency can occur on a Helicopter when:
- Main & tail rotors, engine exhaust, external antenna locations & more on the Helicopter are damaged
- The weather is getting bad
- Helicopter crashes into other Helicopters, planes, mountains & more

When an emergency occurs, the Helicopter will land on the water & can sink & capsize underwater. Therefore, all pilots, crew & passengers must have the ability to:
- Self-protect by using Safety Equipment & PPE, especially life jackets & EBS
- Self-protect by holding the chair & window or exit door
- Escape from the Helicopter which is on the water or sink & capsize underwater by pushing the window or exit door
- Swim to the surface of the water & seek help, including searching for Liferaft
- Survive in the sea

Things to remember:
- PPE, life jacket & EBS must always be used
- First Aid must be given to victims, especially those who are Hypothermic

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