05 February 2024

AI Is Here Now And Today: Learning From AWS

Some people stated that “AI will be difficult to be used by companies”. In my opinion, this statement is inaccurate.

* According to the knowledge I have, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has long been used by various companies.
* Recent facts even show that several steps to increase investment and progress in the AI journey have been taken by several companies to move forward using Generative AI.
* Another fact is that some companies feel that they have not used AI because they actually do not know that the "3rd companies" they use have used AI, so in fact they have used AI indirectly.

To strengthen the knowledge I have, I conducted research on several IT companies, and one of them is Amazon Web Services (AWS). After attending several events and courses organized by AWS, I got some interesting information about AI and AWS. For deeper and easier-to-understand information about AI and AWS, please read my article below :-)

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

- AI is Artificial Intelligence that imitates Human Intelligence. Almost all AI Systems are built using Machine Learning (ML).
- ML uses data provided by humans to produce decisions similar to those made by humans.
- Generative AI is a type of AI that can create new content and ideas, including conversations, stories, images, videos, and music. Generative AI is powered by ML Models.

Benefits and advantages of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in companies and businesses:
- AI improves human capabilities
- AI can monitor work and change the way employees work
- AI saves about 50 percent of work time
- AI can reduce operational costs
- AI improves company and employee performance and productivity
- AI improves business operations
- AI improves and accelerates growth in companies
- AI makes it easier for companies to provide service and improve customer response, and streamline conversations with customers
- AI improves customer experience and customer engagement
- AI improves creativity and content creation
- AI can help to operate the Robot
- AI can solve business challenges
- AI can provide the power to help transform businesses
- AI can create self-service processes
- AI can help companies gain knowledge and information more quickly and accurately, and solve problems more quickly
- AI can create various reports (business, financial, project) automatically and reduce errors
- AI can create more engaging marketing content (blogs, social media, and more)
- AI can build different experiences
- AI can accelerate innovation for all businesses, companies, and employees
- Decisions in the company can be taken better and faster
- Business can be done more quickly
- Success can be achieved more easily
- Data and content created can become more creative data and content

The bottom line is that AI is a new way to interact with technology :-)

AI And Companies

So why do some companies feel that they find it difficult to use AI and they don't need AI yet?
- They don't know how to start using AI
- They don't know how to take the first step towards using AI
- They don't know how to combine the old technology they have with AI
- They do not have proper knowledge about the benefits and advantages of AI

Some steps that companies must take so they can use AI:
- Companies must change their “culture, goals and outlook” to become more innovative
- Companies must have an AI Team (Technical and Domain Experts) to create, operate and handle AI
- Companies must seek cooperation between the Business Team and the Technical Team
- Companies must prioritize the use of AI
- Top Leaders and Executives in companies must start using AI first
- Companies must increase investment, technology, processes, research, and talent related to AI
- Companies must build more responsible AI from the start so that privacy and data can be in a safe position
- Companies must provide education about AI to their employees, including providing training to employees on how to use AI responsibly and effectively
- Companies must have clear policies on the Appropriate Use Of AI
- Companies must provide employees with the opportunity to participate in making decisions regarding AI Operations


Facts about AWS and AI:
- AWS has been using AI for over 20 years
- Over 20 years of work in the field of AI, AWS has had millions of clients
- AWS has External Data Experts and Machine Learning University (MLU) who research, build, and operate AI
- Some AI Tools created by AWS are ready-to-use AI Tools

Some AI Tools created by AWS:
- Chatbots
- Virtual System
- Virtual Assistant
- Smart Contact Center
- Cloud Platforms

AWS trains those who want to understand, implement, and start using AI. Training is provided to:
- Employee
- Data Scientist
- Data Engineer
- Business Analyst
- Application Developer
- Statistician
- Business Expert
- IT Practitioner
- Business Line Leader

The training provided by AWS also creates open management so that all employees and departments can work together to use and handle AI.

AWS's role in the development of AI in various businesses and enterprises:
- In a Sports Organization, AI by AWS can prevent injuries to athletes, improve training and recovery, provide equipment protection, and more.
- At an Investment Research Company, AI by AWS can automate the process of collecting data, expanding the number of funds, and evaluating funds.
- In a Healthcare Institution, AI by AWS can map the entire human brain and how it works, treat brain diseases, perform therapies, and increase neuroscience knowledge.
- In an AI Laboratory, AI by AWS improves customer service, saves time on work, and collects data.

By learning from AWS, I now have a deeper knowledge of AI. Yes, the AI Journey is here and it is happening now and today!

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