03 July 2022

Fire Fighting

Fires usually occur in homes & offices & always cause injury, loss of life, damage to buildings & more. Therefore, our ability to save ourselves from fire is very important.

So that we can prevent & deal with fires, we must always ensure safety & protection by having Fire Extinguishing Equipment. Proper Fire Fighting Equipment ensures the safety of everyone, including Firefighters who risk their lives to save others.

Some Fire Extinguishing Equipment that we must have:
- Fire Extinguisher: Every place must have sufficient Fire Extinguisher (water, hose & others)
- Fire Alarm: Fire Alarm will help to direct everyone to a safe place from the fire
- Fire Blanket: This tool is very helpful to prevent the spread of fire, cover the fire, cut off oxygen supply & reduce/extinguish fires

Apart from that, some other things to do when a fire occurs:
- Extinguish fire properly
- Conduct investigations to determine the cause of the fire (dangerous goods, chemicals, gases & others)
- Medical treatment

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Attendant in Confined Space

The Confined Space that is owned by all companies in all industries is a room that must always be monitored because an emergency can always occur in this room. One of the parties overseeing the Confined Space is the Attendant. Some things that must be done by the Attendants in Confined Spaces:
- Assess the condition of the Confined Space to determine if it is safe for workers to enter the Confined Space
- Ensure that workers who will work in Confined Space have Permit To Work
- Warn people & workers who do not have Permit To Work that they must stay away & should not enter into Confined Space
- Report to the right party if someone enters the Confined Space without permission
- Protect workers who work in Confined Space
- Detect the hazards encountered when entering a Confined Space (signs, symptoms & consequences of exposure)
- Always on standby outside the Confined Space & only enter the Confined Space when an emergency occurs
- Call the Rescue Team when an emergency occurs
- Assist the Rescue Team – when needed – to rescue workers when an emergency occurs

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21 June 2022

Fire Courses & Training at Samson Tiara

Samson Tiara provides several Fire Courses & Training for all industries.

Basic Fire Fighting (BFF) by Samson Tiara:
* This course is designed for workers who are potentially exposed to a Fire Fighting Hazard. The 1-day course will teach about theory, principles, fire extinguishers, limitations, operation, application technique & basic maintenance of extinguishers. The exercise at Samson Tiara Cilegon Training Center will use SCBA & various handheld extinguishers to fight the Class A & B Fires. The certificate is valid for 3 years.

Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF) by Samson Tiara:
* This course is designed to train both Offshore & Onshore Fire Team Members with the knowledge & skills to safely & effectively respond to a fire. The 3-day course will teach about theory, equipment, PPE including SCBA, extinguishing agents (foam, water & others), recovery & more. The practice in Samson Tiara Cilegon Training Center is to extinguish the Class A, B & C Fires. The fire props include pans with & without obstacles, paint lockers, LPG impinging jets & XMAS tree, leaking flanges & large diameter storage tank. The certificate is valid for 2 years.

Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF) by Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) at Samson Tiara:
* This course by TEEX is designed to train Onshore Fire Team members with the knowledge and skill to safely and effectively respond to a fire. The 3-day course will teach about theory, fire suppression equipment, PPE including SCBA, extinguishers (portable, foam, water & others), fire fighting tactics, recovery, and more. The exercise at Samson Tiara Cilegon Training Center to fight Class A, B and C Fires will use hose lines (water & foam), SCBA and fire props (pans with and without obstacles, paint lockers, LPG impinging jets & XMAS tree, leaking flanges, and large diameter storage tank). A certificate will be given by PT Samson Tiara / Survival Systems Asia & TEEX.

Floor / Fire Warden (Warden) by Samson Tiara:
* This 1-day course provides the theoretical and practical understanding of the typical functions of the Fire / Floor Warden or Fire Marshal within a workplace. The course will teach about how the fires start and propagate within buildings and the ways to assist with the development and implementation of emergency evacuation arrangements. It will also give the knowledge about theory and anatomy, Health and Safety Rules, fire prevention in the workplace, fire extinguishing techniques, passive and active protection systems, procedures to carry out in case of fire, fire fighting equipment, and more. The course can be done at your office or Samson Tiara Cilegon Training Center. The certificate is valid for 4 years.

Helideck Fire Fighting by Samson Tiara:
* The Helideck Fire Fighting is a part of the Offshore Emergency Helideck Team Member (OEHTM) Training. The 4-day course is designed for Offshore Emergency Helideck Team Members as intensive training to allow them to respond to emergencies on an offshore installation. The course will teach about theory, hazards, breathing apparatus, Helicopter incidents, rescue techniques, Dangerous Goods by Air, and others. The exercise at Samson Tiara Cilegon Training Center will use Mobile Unit Helicopter Fire Extinguishers, SCBA & more. The certificate is valid for 2 years.

Workplace Fire Safety (WFS) by Samson Tiara:
* This course is designed to provide personnel working in Office, Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Facilities who are not members of an Emergency Response Team with an understanding of fire hazards in the workplace, preventative measures, and appropriate response to a fire emergency. This 1-day course will develop the skill to use fire extinguishing devices and alarm systems and evacuate from a fire situation in the workplace. The practice will use the portable fire extinguisher, our FirePan™, and our state-of-the-art Digital Fire Simulator. The course can be done at your office or Samson Tiara Cilegon Training Center. The certificate is valid for 3 years.

Fire e-Learning Training at RelyOn Nutec Digital (RON):
* Samson Tiara in collaboration with RON provides e-Learning Training called: Fire Awareness and Fire Safety Awareness (OSHA). The courses will teach about fire safety in the workplace, Health and Safety Legislation, equipment, Fire Tetrahedron, fire class, spread and intensity, fire gas, fire signage, hazard, prevention, emergency, suppression, extinguisher type, and more.

Since 1994, Samson Tiara has been an Innovator & Provider of appropriate & qualified Safety & Survival Training for the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry & all other industries worldwide, including residential, office, building, and business areas & more. The courses follow the latest guidelines & regulations set by local & international agencies & organizations. All courses in multiple languages can be given to companies & individuals.

If you would like to register & inquire about the best courses, terms, prices & offers, please do not hesitate to visit:
- Samson Tiara Marketing Team: marketing@survival-systems.com

PT Samson Tiara Safety & Survival Training Center
Kawasan Komersial Cilandak
The Garden Center #6-03
Jl. Raya Cilandak KKO
Jakarta 12560
Phone: +62217801388
Fax: +62217801389
* Instagram, Facebook & Twitter: @SamsonTiara

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20 June 2022

Accident Reporting & Investigation

By applicable regulations, the company must take appropriate action (directing & controlling) so that its employees can carry out their duties properly, be responsible for their safety & avoid accidents.

The categories of accidents that must be investigated & reported are those which:
- Causing serious injury & death
- Causing damage to buildings, bridges, towers & more
- Causing fire & explosion
- Occurring due to the presence of harmful substances & toxic gases

When an accident occurs in the company, the company, through its Supervisor, must ensure that:
- Workers have been saved from accidents & received First Aid
- Scene has been secured & activities are restricted until the accident can be resolved
- All accidents & their victims must be reported immediately
- Party in charge, including the Supervisor, must investigate the accident that occurred
- Appropriate actions have been taken to eliminate & reduce the risk of injury

The investigation process should be carried out to:
- Identify any unsafe conditions & procedures
- Find facts & gather objective information
- Take appropriate action so that the same accident does not happen again in the future

To become Supervisors & personnel who can carry out accident investigations, employees must take courses that can educate & train them to know the investigation process.

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15 June 2022

Helicopter Landing Officer

The Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) is responsible for landing the Helicopter safely. As part of the Operation Team at Helideck (Helicopter landing area built on Ships & Offshore Oil & Gas Installation), HLO & his team (ship members, installation crew, HDA & others) have an important role to maintain the safety of all personnel who travel by Helicopter & land on the Helideck.

HLOs must have the ability to:
- Operate Helideck safely
- Use & provide PPE, rescue equipment. emergency equipment & meteorological equipment
- Communicate by providing & receiving information (via Radio) to & from Helicopters & installations, one of which is by providing information on wind & sea conditions
- Mark the Helicopter runway
- Adjust the lighting in Helideck
- Control dangerous goods
- Supervise the safe movement of passengers, baggage & cargo to & from the Helicopter
- Perform inspections on the Helideck & Helicopter before & after the flight
- Direct & guide the Helicopter that will take off & land (Takeoff & Landing Process)
- Give gestures & signs with hands
- Perform appropriate rescue actions when accidents & emergencies occur at sea, Helideck & Helicopter
- Fight fires on the Helideck & Helicopters

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