15 June 2022

Helicopter Landing Officer

The Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) is responsible for landing the Helicopter safely. As part of the Operation Team at Helideck (Helicopter landing area built on Ships & Offshore Oil & Gas Installation), HLO & his team (ship members, installation crew, HDA & others) have an important role to maintain the safety of all personnel who travel by Helicopter & land on the Helideck.

HLOs must have the ability to:
- Operate Helideck safely
- Use & provide PPE, rescue equipment. emergency equipment & meteorological equipment
- Communicate by providing & receiving information (via Radio) to & from Helicopters & installations, one of which is by providing information on wind & sea conditions
- Mark the Helicopter runway
- Adjust the lighting in Helideck
- Control dangerous goods
- Supervise the safe movement of passengers, baggage & cargo to & from the Helicopter
- Perform inspections on the Helideck & Helicopter before & after the flight
- Direct & guide the Helicopter that will take off & land (Takeoff & Landing Process)
- Give gestures & signs with hands
- Perform appropriate rescue actions when accidents & emergencies occur at sea, Helideck & Helicopter
- Fight fires on the Helideck & Helicopters

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14 June 2022

Permit To Work

Companies must provide Permits To Work if their employees will perform tasks that are considered dangerous. Permit To Work is one of the best ways to control operations & safety & employees in a safe state.

Permit To Work is usually given to workers who work in:
- Hot area (welding, soldering, electric, gas, fire & more)
- Cold area
- Narrow area (Confines Space, pits, drains, tanks & more)
- Height
- Chemical producer (factories, chemical laboratories & others)
- Excavation

Permit To Work will ensure that:
- Company & its employees comply with applicable regulations
- Personnel are equipped with proper PPE equipment & have been trained to work safely
- Employees & contractors can complete the given task
- Employees are responsible for doing the right job
- Workers know the dangers they will face
- Workers can take necessary precautions
- Company realizes that it must be responsible if there is an accident that occurs after issuing a Permit To Work

One way that Permit To Work can be effectively enforced is by providing training programs to employees.

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) is a flammable gas & is usually found in:
- Oil & Gas Industry
- Factory (food, textile, pulp, paper & more)
- Waste & Wastewater Treatment Industry
- Farming

In everyday life, we can be exposed to H2S from contaminated air & water. People living near Wastewater Treatment Plants, Oil Drilling Operations, Farms & landfills will be exposed to higher levels of H2S.

H2S will attack the respiratory tract & nervous system in humans & can cause:
- Irritation to the eyes
- Nose irritation
- Irritation of the throat
- Headache
- Disorders of memory
- Fatigue
- Loss of balance
- Loss of consciousness

Tips to reduce the risk of getting H2S:
- You should avoid & not live in areas & places that are a source of H2S (farms, factories, sewage tanks & more)
- Workplace that is a source of H2S must have proper regulations so that H2S can be prevented, limited & overcome
- Wherever you live & work, you should check whether there is H2S or not
- You have to make sure that there is proper action if there is H2S in the area

Please protect the health of yourself & others :-)