27 March 2023

Emergency On The Sea

What to do when an emergency occurs at sea? Please read some of the information below.

Several types of emergencies that occur at sea & require evacuation & rescue:
- The ship gets into an accident
- Crash
- Fire
- Bad weather
- Flood
- Natural disasters

Some of the actions that must always be taken by personnel who work & travel at sea so they can always be prepared for emergencies at sea:
- Calm down & concentrate on making a rational decision
- Always be aware of the risks that can occur at sea
- Have a suitable Emergency Response Plan
- Own & use required Safety Equipment (PPE, life jacket, wetsuit)
- Know the place where the pieces of equipment on the ship are placed
- Self-protect from bad weather
- Follow the appropriate training to deal with emergencies

Some of the actions that must be taken by personnel when an emergency occurs so they can survive:
- Follow Emergency Procedures & Protocols
- Ask for help via Radio & other communication methods
- Position themselves close to ships & floating objects
- Save energy
- Drink proper water & not seawater

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