04 October 2023

Incident Management

Incidents are disruptions that occur in Business Operations. Incidents can be caused by various factors, such as human error, equipment damage, natural disasters, and others. Incident Management is required to:

- Identify incidents through monitoring
- Categorize incidents to help determine incident severity and appropriate response
- Prioritize incidents by considering the impact of the incident on the business and the number of people affected
- Respond to incidents by investigating the incident, developing a resolution plan, and implementing the plan
- Close an incident by documenting the incident, reviewing the response, and taking steps to prevent a similar incident from occurring in the future

The Key to Incident Management: Identify, Respond, Resolve, Minimize!

Guide to conducting Incident Management:
- Have an Incident Management Plan that outlines the steps to take if an incident occurs and the roles and responsibilities of the team
- Use tools to track and handle incidents
- Document incidents that occur
- Communicate with parties who can help to minimize incidents that have disrupted Business Operations
- Review and identify various things that need to be improved so that similar incidents can be prevented from occurring in the future

#safety #survival #emergency #rescue #disaster #security #education #information #HSE #business #company #incident #management  

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