19 October 2023

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) is a very toxic gas. H2S binds to an important enzyme in cells in the human body so that these cells cannot produce energy and cause death in humans.

H2S causes serious health problems:
- Hard to breathe
- Irritation to eyes and skin
- Body disorders: The victim feels weak
- Digestive disorders: The victim feels nauseous and then vomits
- Head disorders: Headache and dizziness
- Seizures
- Death

H2S can be found at:
- Sewerage, including septic tanks
- Waste Water Treatment Installation
- Areas that produce oil and gas
- All factories (paper mills, steel and others)
- Volcanic area
- Places to decompose organic materials
- Basement

Some ways to protect yourself from H2S:
- Always be aware of all areas you visit, because H2S can be everywhere
- Use PPE when working in areas where H2S may be present, such as Confined Spaces and others
- Use a Gas Detector
- Leave the place immediately if there is a suspicious smell

Warning: No drug can treat H2S. If you are exposed to H2S, seek medical help immediately to prevent death!

#safety #survival #emergency #rescue #security #education #HSE #information #knowledge #H2S #gas #Hydrogen #Sulfide 

13 October 2023

Offshore Emergency

3 emergencies that usually occur Offshore:
- Emergency at sea
- Emergency in Helicopter
- Offshore Emergency

Emergency At Sea

Accidents that usually occur at sea:
- The ship was disturbed and damaged due to strong currents, waves, and storm
- The ship collided with another ship
- Passengers drowned

The right skills to save ourselves and survive when we travel to/through the sea is needed because:
- The sea is a dangerous environment
- Accidents can happen to anyone
- Rescue actions cannot occur quickly because the Rescue Team needs time to find you and save you

When traveling at sea, have the right knowledge about:
- PPE, life jacket and more
- Necessary equipment (rafts, nets, lifeboats)
- Bad weather
- Dangers at sea
- Damaged ships and boats
- Signal For Help
- Food and drinking water in the sea
- Ways to survive in the sea

Emergency In Helicopter

The process of escaping from a Helicopter underwater is very challenging. Some steps to take to escape from Helicopter underwater:
- Stay calm and follow instructions from the crew
- Use EBS / CA-EBS which helps to breathe underwater
- Remove the seat belt from the shoulder
- Move to the nearest Emergency Exit
- Open the Emergency Door and exit the Helicopter
- Swim away from the Helicopter quickly to avoid the explosion from the Helicopter
- Develop a life jacket

Some other steps to consider:
- Be aware of your surroundings
- Be prepared to react quickly
- Don't panic so that mistakes don't happen
- Breathe slowly and deeply
- Use EBS / CA-EBS correctly by ensuring that the mask fits tightly
- Maintain physical and mental calm so that you remain strong while waiting for the Rescue Team

Offshore Emergency

The best ways to face Offshore Emergencies:
- Recognize the dangers and risks that usually occur in Offshore Oil and Gas Installations
- Get to know the applicable regulations
- Have proper knowledge regarding Safety Management and Safety Procedures
- Use Safety and Emergency Equipment (PPE, Lifeboat, TEMPSC)

The best ways to handle emergency occurs Offshore:
- Sound an alarm to give a warning
- Provide information regarding emergencies that occur using Radio
- Carry out the Emergency Procedures owned by the Offshore Installation
- Save yourself via the Evacuation Route
- Save yourself when an emergency occurs in the Helicopter
- Save yourself when you are in an area filled with smoke
- Extinguish the fire using the right fire extinguisher
- Perform first aid
- Get help from the Medical Team
- Take the right actions to survive in the sea

#sea #advice #suggestion #fire #safety #survival #oil #gas #emergency #offshore #rescue #security #education #HSE #information #helicopter 

05 October 2023

Ways To Prevent And Handle Emergency In Offshore Installation

Some emergencies that occur in Offshore Installations:
- Fire
- Explosions caused by gas, faulty electricity and equipment
- Oil spills caused by accidents on tankers, burst pipes, and exploded wells

Ways to prevent emergencies occurring at Offshore Installations:
- Have an Emergency Response Plan
- Implement Safety Procedures
- Provide proper training to all personnel to use Safety Equipment, handle emergencies, and carry out Evacuation Processes
- Inspect and maintain all equipment and systems
- Detect emergencies as early as possible by using Sensors, Alarms, Smoke, Gas, Explosion and Fire Detection Devices
- Use the latest technology, one of which is Drones and Robots which can be used to assess the situation, identify hazards, enter dangerous areas, and perform tasks, such as extinguishing fires and searching for victims

Ways to handle emergencies that occur in Offshore Installations:
- Isolate the area
- Turn off machines and equipment
- Extinguish the fire
- Close all facilities that experience leaks
- Carry out Evacuation Procedures/Process
- Coordinate with the Emergency Services Team

#fire #safety #survival #oil #gas #emergency #offshore #rescue #security #education #information #HSE #industry #installation #drone #dji #robot #tanker 

04 October 2023

Incident Management

Incidents are disruptions that occur in Business Operations. Incidents can be caused by various factors, such as human error, equipment damage, natural disasters, and others. Incident Management is required to:

- Identify incidents through monitoring
- Categorize incidents to help determine incident severity and appropriate response
- Prioritize incidents by considering the impact of the incident on the business and the number of people affected
- Respond to incidents by investigating the incident, developing a resolution plan, and implementing the plan
- Close an incident by documenting the incident, reviewing the response, and taking steps to prevent a similar incident from occurring in the future

The Key to Incident Management: Identify, Respond, Resolve, Minimize!

Guide to conducting Incident Management:
- Have an Incident Management Plan that outlines the steps to take if an incident occurs and the roles and responsibilities of the team
- Use tools to track and handle incidents
- Document incidents that occur
- Communicate with parties who can help to minimize incidents that have disrupted Business Operations
- Review and identify various things that need to be improved so that similar incidents can be prevented from occurring in the future

#safety #survival #emergency #rescue #disaster #security #education #information #HSE #business #company #incident #management  

27 September 2023

Strategy To Handle Offshore Emergency

Below are 3 strategies that must be implemented by companies to handle complex and challenging Offshore emergencies.

To mitigate emergencies and ensure personnel safety:
- Identify the type of hazard, number of personnel working, and possible environmental impacts
- Have an Emergency Response Plan
- Alert Emergency Response Officers, Offshore Installation Operators, Coast Guard

When an emergency occurs:
- Implement Emergency Procedures
- Evacuate personnel from Offshore Installations to safe locations using Lifeboats, Helicopters, and other means of transportation
- Handle victims by performing first aid
- Respond to emergencies by extinguishing fires and others

Once the emergency has been handled:
- Fix crash
- Clean pollution
- Return personnel to the installation

#fire #safety #survival #oil #gas #emergency #offshore #rescue #aid #security