01 December 2023

RSS Feeds

About RSS Feeds

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It's an easy way for you to keep up with news and information that's important to you and helps you avoid the conventional methods of browsing or searching for information on websites. Now the content you want can be delivered directly to you without cluttering your inbox with e-mail messages. This content is called a "feed."

RSS is written in the Internet coding language known as XML (eXtensible Markup Language), which is why you see RSS buttons commonly labeled with this icon: XML

What is an RSS Reader?

An RSS reader is a small software program that collects and displays RSS feeds. It allows you to scan headlines from several news sources in a central location.

Where can I get an RSS Reader?

Some browsers, such as the current versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari have built-in RSS readers. If you're using a browser that doesn't currently support RSS, there are a variety of RSS readers available on the web; some are free to download and others are available for purchase.

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30 November 2023

How To Work In Confined Space

Some guidelines for working in Confined Spaces safely:

- Conduct assessments to identify potential hazards: Oxygen deficiency, toxic gases, flammable materials, structural instability, and electrical damage
- Create a Safe Work Plan: Procedures for using PPE, entering safely, working according to obligations, and carrying out rescue actions
- Establish an Entry Permit System to control and monitor access to Confined Spaces
- Provide Ventilation and Gas Monitoring Devices to maintain safe oxygen levels and detect dangerous gases
- Lock out all sources of hazardous energy (electrical, machinery, and pipes) before entering Confined Spaces
- Use proper PPE: Gloves, goggles, protective clothing, ropes and more
- Provide necessary Rescue Equipment
- Conduct communication to monitor worker safety
- Provide training to workers on Safety Procedures in Confined Spaces and others
- Carry out inspections and audits regularly
- Regularly inspect Confined Spaces and equipment to identify and address hazards and risks and ensure compliance with Safety Standards

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26 November 2023

Ways To Work On Offshore Oil And Gas Installation

Here are the things you need to know when you work on Offshore Oil And Gas Installation.


Some knowledge that you must know:
- Dangers and risks in Offshore Oil and Gas Installations and ways to control them
- Safety Regulations
- Safety Procedures
- Safety Management
- Helicopter Safety Procedures
- Safety Equipment: PPE, Lifeboat and TEMPSC
- Emergencies in Offshore Installations and how to handle them
- Ways to escape from Helicopter after landing
- Ways to extinguish fires
- Techniques for escaping from smoke-filled areas
- Techniques for survival at sea
- First Aid and Hypothermia

PPE And Equipment

Some PPE and equipment that must be used when an emergency occurs at an Offshore Installation:
- Life jackets: Life jackets must be provided on all vessels. The rope should be attached to the buoy so that the Safety Team can hold it easily. Life jackets must be immediately thrown into the water/sea to help the victim.
- Light Signal: This signal can usually be on for 45 minutes.
- Smoke Signal: This signal usually emits smoke for 15 minutes.
- Jacket: The jacket used is a jacket that has been approved and complies with applicable regulations. The jacket must be easy and comfortable to wear, able to protect the mouth, nose, and head, and have a certain color and markings. The jacket must be equipped with a whistle and flashlight.
- Liferaft: Liferafts are usually easy to use, always ready to use, can be launched quickly, and can protect victims from wind and seas.

Helicopter Safety Procedures

Helicopter Safety Procedures are carried out to ensure the safe operation of Helicopters and protect the lives of Pilots and passengers. The procedure consists of:
- Pilots must carry out checks before flying the Helicopter to ensure the safety of the Helicopter: Exterior parts, propellers, engine, oil, fuel, lights, radio, rotors and others
- Passengers follow instructions from the Pilot and obey safety rules: Wear seat belts, do not smoke, do not use electronic devices, do not touch the Helicopter engine and others
- In an emergency, the Pilot must land the Helicopter as soon as possible, carry out the Evacuation Process, and provide first aid

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24 November 2023

Health, Safety And Environment

Employers, management, and workers in any workplace must always be aware of workplace health and safety, prioritize their health and safety, and implement Health and Safety Protocols and Procedures, as these measures will:
- Reduce danger and risk
- Ensure employee welfare
- Respect everyone who works
- Produce a safer work environment for everyone
- Prevent, reduce, and overcome accidents, incidents, injuries, illnesses, and deaths at work
- Promote a positive and good Health and Safety Culture
- Creating shared responsibility for health and safety in the company
- Give workers the right to a safe workplace
- Give employers an obligation to keep the workplace free from danger and risk
- Increase productivity and efficiency
- Improve overall company performance and success
- Meet legal requirements

All employees and management in the company must have knowledge about:
- History, Definition, and Philosophy of Health, Safety And Environment (HSE) in the workplace
- HSE Policy
- HSE and Risk Management
- HSE Committee
- HSE program and its application in the workplace
- Common causes of work incidents and accidents: Short circuits, dangerous chemicals, fires, and damage to electricity, machinery, and equipment
- Negative impact of work incidents and accidents on workers, company assets, and the environment
- Ways to prevent work incidents and accidents
- Applicable regulation
- Occupational Health Services

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14 November 2023

Accident Investigation

Several steps to investigate after an accident occurs in a company and office:

- Prioritize safety by securing the scene to prevent further harm and damage: Control the hazard and close the area from unauthorized persons
- Note down any clues that may help
- Store evidence: Equipment, vehicles, clothing and other materials
- Gather information and interview witnesses, injured people, and witnesses: Gather information about what happened before, during, and after the accident
- Review and analyze all information, witness statements, evidence, and documentation related to the accident
- Consider other factors: Human error, equipment failure, environmental conditions and procedural deficiencies
- Determine steps to correct and prevent similar accidents from occurring in the future: Change to procedures, training programs, equipment maintenance protocols, and environmental factors
- Create a written report by documenting all investigation processes: Photos, sketches, videos, accident details and witness statements
- Provide Investigation Reports to parties who need them: Management, Safety Team and others

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