20 June 2024

Ways To Prevent And Handle Emergency In Confined Space

Several steps must be taken to prevent and reduce emergencies in Confined Spaces:
- Have knowledge about Confined Space Regulation and Procedures
- Have knowledge about ways to plan and execute rescues
- Have a Permit To Work
- Use the right PPE and equipment: Portable Gas Detector, Tripod, Davit, Communications Equipment, Harness, Lockout Equipment, Ventilation Equipment, Rope, SCBA, Stretcher and more
- Place trained Supervisors and Rescue Teams at entrances to monitor and communicate with workers
- Test and monitor the atmosphere
- Check for dangerous gases
- Ensure proper oxygen levels
- Control all energy sources
- Control Physical and Atmospheric Hazards
- Enter the Confined Space properly
- Work in the Confined Spaces safely

Several steps to take when an emergency occurs in a Confined Space:
- Conduct Emergency and Rescue Procedures
- Notify all parties that an emergency is occurring
- Secure areas in Confined Spaces to prevent further harm
- Call a Rescue Team that is trained to handle emergencies
- Assess the situation and perform correct Entry Procedures
- Provide necessary medical assistance
- Safely remove the victim from the Confined Space
- Record, document, and evaluate all Rescue Actions that have been carried out for future reference


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

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