08 September 2022

Helicopter And Helideck

Some of the things Helicopters do Offshore:
- Transport workers
- Move equipment
- Carry out inspections
- Carry out rescue operations

Some of the challenges that Helicopters have to face while on Offshore:
- Changes in the weather
- Changes in sea conditions
- Strong winds
- Environmental conditions
- Wave
- Impaired visibility
- Lightning
- Storm
- Moving helideck
- Difficult to access & remote locations

Various emergencies that the Helicopter & its crew have to deal with:
- Equipment malfunction
- Helicopter damage
- Fire

Therefore, the Helicopter & its crew must always maintain security & safety, one of which is by ensuring that the Helideck they are going to is safe & does not experience interference. One of the personnel who can assist in this process is the Helideck Assistant.

Helideck Assistant must know of:
- Safety Rules
- Heliport & Helideck
- Helicopter
- Helicopter Fire Fighting (HRFF)
- Land, Passenger & Cargo Handling
- Helicopter Refueling

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25 August 2022

Drilling Operation And Technology

The Oil & Gas Industry, especially the Drilling Industry, is one of the most complex industries. Drilling Operations carried out in this industry are not as easy as the oil & gas that we see every day. As drilling carried out in Oil & Gas Wells is a difficult & complex operation, a successful Drilling Operation requires:
- Qualified personnel & team
- Complex arrangement of machines, materials & equipment (Drilling Rigs & more) that must reach depths of more than thousands of meters
- Perfectly executed cooperation by personnel & team
- Collaboration with other Operations & Service Companies

Some things to avoid in Drilling World:
- Personal injury
- Technical problem
- Expensive cost
- Accidents & emergencies

However, all the complexities, difficulties & complexities to drill & complete Wells in the Oil & Gas / Drilling Industry can be overcome with the advancement of Technology in the Drilling World. The technology applied also assures that the Drilling Process in the well can be carried out safely & efficiently.

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24 August 2022

Emergency Breathing System (EBS)

Fact: No human can hold their breath underwater without wearing proper PPE. Even if they can survive, they can only last a few seconds.

Emergency Breathing System (EBS) can help users to:
- Control water so that water does not have a bad effect on the respiratory system
- Extend the time to breathe underwater so that the user can safely escape from the overturned Helicopter
- Inhale the exhaled air
- Survive

EBS has complied with the requirements set by the Health & Safety Standards.

Best advice: Use EBS when you are in rivers & seas, as EBS can be attached to wetsuits & life jackets.

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Emergency On Helideck

Some of the accidents that usually occur at Helideck:
- Helicopter crashes into Helideck
- Helicopter crashes into other Helicopters, ships, and some facilities on the Helideck
- Dislodged items are then thrown into the Helicopter
- Helicopter cannot land safely on the Helideck

Some of the above can cause a fire in the Helicopter & Helideck.

There are a few things to do to prevent an emergency in Helideck:
- All facilities & equipment at Helideck must always be maintained & inspected
- Before the Helicopter lands & takes off, the Helideck must always be inspected & in a clean & safe condition
- Officers at Helideck must be able to identify potential loose & falling items
- Helideck must have the appropriate person who can provide Landing Safety Instructions to other designated personnel
- Helideck must have officers who can assist with Helicopter Operations

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Emergency On Helicopter

An emergency can occur on a Helicopter when:
- Main & tail rotors, engine exhaust, external antenna locations & more on the Helicopter are damaged
- The weather is getting bad
- Helicopter crashes into other Helicopters, planes, mountains & more

When an emergency occurs, the Helicopter will land on the water & can sink & capsize underwater. Therefore, all pilots, crew & passengers must have the ability to:
- Self-protect by using Safety Equipment & PPE, especially life jackets & EBS
- Self-protect by holding the chair & window or exit door
- Escape from the Helicopter which is on the water or sink & capsize underwater by pushing the window or exit door
- Swim to the surface of the water & seek help, including searching for Liferaft
- Survive in the sea

Things to remember:
- PPE, life jacket & EBS must always be used
- First Aid must be given to victims, especially those who are Hypothermic

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