02 January 2023

Preparing For Success When Working And Learning Online

The COVID-19 Pandemic has made many aspects of our lives more difficult in 2020, seriously disrupting almost all aspects of day-to-day life, business operations, transportation, tourism, and even education. With much of the workforce required to work from home under a “new normal”, many questioned the ability to remain productive and achieve both business and personal goals. However, using the right tools, many businesses can not only maintain reasonable levels of productivity in their workforce, they can also come out on the other side of this crisis stronger and better equipped thanks to online education.

For years, there have been numerous free and paid online education services offered by numerous companies, institutes, and universities. While there has been adequate use of these offerings to keep them going and improving over the years, they have primarily been used by those who are more comfortable with technology. Thanks to the rapid adaptation required due to COVID-19 restrictions, increasing numbers of people are moving to online educational offerings to hone existing skills or develop new ones. The growth in online education has been explosive over the past 6 months.

Benefits of Online Education

Although there are challenges in online education, such as issues with insufficient internet bandwidth, the need for adequate computer hardware, and a minimum level of technological know-how, there are many benefits to learning online.

Online education is a fantastic way to enhance your knowledge and skills in a unique and flexible environment with its own distinctive strengths and opportunities. Online education works by communicating and delivering course material via the internet and helping students learn new skills through digital materials. Online education usually consists of a mixture of pre-recorded audio & video lessons, texts and live lectures and Q&A sessions. Even traditional group work is possible with collaborative tools and online communication systems.

Many people have found the benefits of online education, such as:

  • Both students and instructors are able to gain knowledge, experience and expertise through the shared experience of online learning, thanks to the diversity of backgrounds, culture and experience an online class can provide versus more traditional classroom-based learning where students and teachers are frequently from similar social & cultural backgrounds.
  • Online education can still be enjoyed, even if your work schedule is particularly hectic. Many activities, such as pre-recorded lessons, can be accessed and absorbed during the commute to or from work, or from the comfort of your own home. You do not need to try and balance a schedule of time off work to attend classes.
  • With many online courses, you can join any time you want and choose from a wide variety of topics without possessing prior background in the subjects which may be required in traditional classroom learning.
  • Teachers and students can communicate efficiently and effectively through the use of email, chat groups, video meetings & document sharing services.
  • Students often find it easier to absorb materials when they can learn at their own pace and not be forced to adhere to strict timelines which are present in most traditional classes.

Tips to Increase Your Productivity

The great thing about productivity is that it is a skill that can be developed over time. We have some tips to share with you that will increase your productivity and help you focus on using your time efficiently. Staying focused and working more efficiently will give you the ability to finish your work quicker which can free up more personal time to spend with family and friends and let you take on new activities and hobbies or more time to further your education and improve your career.  As many of us continue to work from home, some of these tips will also help you avoid distractions and maintain some peace of mind, leading to a healthier life.

While the following tips are aimed at improving your success in online learning, they can be applied equally to the current work-from-home environment we are all currently facing.

  • Be Motivated: It is important that you are interested in the topic you are learning; this will keep you motivated and improve the enjoyment of the learning process, helping to keep you focused on completing the course and not giving up before finishing.
  • Plan Your Learning in Advance: While flexibility is one of the best features of online learning, it can also be one of its most dangerous pitfalls. After enrolling for an online course it is important to read the course literature to understand how much time they recommend you spend to successfully complete the course, then you should work out a comfortable schedule for your learning time and set goals and deadlines for yourself to achieve along the way. Entering this schedule into your calendar, either on your computer or your mobile device will help you stay focused and commit the time needed to successfully complete your learning. Your calendar system should send you reminders each day of what your schedule is so that you can focus on the work at hand.
  • Take Care of Yourself: Our body needs to rest and revive itself every day, so we have the responsibility to take care of it too. It is important that you avoid working overtime or studying late into the night if it means losing sleep. Less sleep will have a negative impact on your mind and body, affecting your concentration and making it harder for you to do your work and absorb the information you are trying to learn. It is important to get proper sleep every night to give your body and mind sufficient rest, doing so will help you, improve your focus, concentration and information retention.
  • Establish a Specific Working Area: When you are working or learning from home, you need to set aside a dedicated area for this purpose. The area should be quiet and away from the normal activities of your family and distracting noise. It is important that you inform those with whom you live that when you are in that space you should not be disturbed unless it is important. Remember that activities going on in your house can cause a lot of distraction and it is important that you have a quiet working and learning environment to ensure your concentration and focus.
  • Establish a Specific Working Time: As already explained in “Plan Your Learning in Advance”, it is important to have a schedule for your learning. While flexibility is great, it is important not to lose focus and motivation, therefore it is important to set aside a specific time for study which is, where possible, routine and consistent. Find good ways to structure and make good use of the time you set aside for study. Try not to rush, take the time to do the work correctly, and focus on absorbing as much of the information as you can.
  • Have a Comfortable and Healthy Desk and Chair: It is important to set up your desk and chair to be comfortable and ergonomically friendly. There are many guides available online to help you in setting up your workspace, but it is important that your monitor is at eye level, you can use books to raise the height of your monitor or a laptop stand and external keyboard to help. The more comfortable you are and the less strain on your body, the less distraction you will have due to discomfort. It is also important that your work and study area is clear from unnecessary clutter and distraction.
  • Turn off Your Phone: Your smartphone can be a major distraction to work and study online. To stay focused on your online work and education, it is often necessary to either turn off your mobile phone or set it to “Do Not Disturb”. A constant barrage of notifications from email, social media, or games can greatly distract you and tempt you to check your phone, wasting important time.
  • Use the Right Technology: You must make an effort to use the necessary technology that suits your needs and those of the online study you are engaging in. Ensure that the applications and tools required are installed in advance and are always up to date. Test these applications and become familiar with them before you start your course. If you don’t have WIFI or Ethernet-capable internet connections at home, you may be able to tether off of your mobile phone, but it is best to check with your mobile phone provider before doing this as sometimes this can be costly.
  • Pay Attention: When joining an online class, meeting, or webinar, it is important to stay focused and pay attention. Just like in traditional classes, it often helps to take adequate notes or audio recordings for transcription, particularly if the video is not going to be available for review at a later date. Get involved in the conversation, ask questions that are on topic, and pay attention to questions or answers from others, this will help give you an opportunity to hear the perspective of others.
  • Save Your Data: It is very important that you save all the data you can from online work and classes that you participate in on your computer or mobile device. It is important to keep backups of all your work, either on a secondary device or in the cloud, with many services offering free storage space online for this purpose. It can be devastating if you lose or overwrite an important file, particularly an assignment or major work project. Having a backup, you can quickly access can save you many days of work if the worst should happen.
  • Be Prepared to Apply New Knowledge and Skills: The best way to reinforce any learning is to use it. Look for ways to apply new skills and knowledge learned in your day-to-day work, this will not only help you reinforce the knowledge and skills but will also help you raise important questions about what you are learning and how it can apply to your specific situation.
  • Communicate and Share: Communication is very important in effective work and learning. For those that are used to more traditional methods of face-to-face communication, you may need to learn to effectively communicate online. It is important to be clear and concise in your communications, and to share your understanding, knowledge, and experience with others, in doing so they are more likely to share theirs with you helping you gain understanding and insight that may not otherwise be available to you. Be sure to prioritize communications with your work colleagues, instructors, and fellow students, if something is affecting your ability to participate, such as illness, internet issues, or heavy workload, be sure to inform others so that they know what is going on.
  • Build Your Network: The activities you are doing online create new opportunities for you to build a far-reaching, often global, network that may not otherwise be available to you in traditional learning. Be confident and enthusiastic, discuss important topics and issues with your classmates and instructors, and engage as much as possible. By connecting with others in your course you can help to build a network that may lead to future business or learning opportunities in the future.

Keselamatan Dan Kelangsungan Hidup Di Laut

Bahkan di era modern ketika kita sudah memakai pesawat terbang dan helikopter, kita masih sangat tergantung pada keberadaan laut untuk transportasi barang. Kapal kargo, kapal tanker minyak, dan kapal penangkap ikan masih berlayar mengarungi ombak di seluruh dunia setiap hari. Selain itu, sekitar 30% pasokan minyak dunia berasal dari eksplorasi lepas pantai yang berarti masih banyak rig, anjungan produksi, dan kapal pendukung yang beroperasi di laut.

Kecelakaan dapat dan sering terjadi pada industri apa pun yang melibatkan penggunaan mesin yang kompleks dan adanya interaksi antar manusia. Dalam banyak kasus, akar dari penyebab kecelakaan di laut terjadi karena kegagalan mesin, peralatan, sistem atau perlengkapan, cuaca dan kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh manusia. Kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh pekerja dan operator memainkan peran utama dalam kecelakaan laut dan investigasi yang mendalam sangat diperlukan untuk mengungkap tentang mata rantai dari peristiwa yang mengarah ke sebuah insiden. Meskipun insiden yang terjadi mungkin singkat, namun dapat meninggalkan dampak yang bertahan lama, tidak hanya pada orang yang terlibat, tetapi juga pada lingkungan dan ekosistem.

Sumber Umum dari Kecelakaan Maritim

  • Kecelakaan pada Anjungan dan Instalasi Minyak Lepas Pantai: Insiden Deepwater Horizon pada tahun 2010 di Teluk Meksiko adalah kecelakaan yang melibatkan anjungan minyak. Eksplorasi minyak dan gas di lepas pantai banyak menggunakan alat berat dan proses kerja yang kompleks. Bahkan masalah kecil atau kelalaian satu proses kerja dapat menyebabkan insiden bencana yang besar.
  • Kecelakaan pada Kapal Tanker Minyak: Penyebab utama kecelakaan pada Kapal Tanker Minyak adalah adanya kebakaran atau ledakan. Sifat material yang diangkut oleh kapal tanker berbahaya dan sangat mudah terbakar, sehingga memudahkan terjadinya ledakan. Menurut statistik, penyebab terbesar dari insiden pada kapal tanker minyak adalah karena kelalaian yang dilakukan oleh pekerja.
  • Terdamparnya kapal dan kerusakan pada lambung: Terdamparnya kapal terjadi ketika bagian bawah kapal mengikis benda-benda yang terendam, seperti tumpukan pasir, bebatuan atau dasar laut yang dangkal. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada lambung, kebocoran dan kerusakan pada lingkungan.
  • Kecelakaan akibat kerusakan pada mesin derek: Seperti halnya pengoperasian mesin derek di darat, pengoperasian mesin derek di pelabuhan dan di laut juga membawa risiko kecelakaan. Kegagalan pada kabel atau mesin derek dapat menyebabkan cedera yang serius, terkadang fatal.
  • Narkoba dan alkohol: Penyalahgunaan zat merupakan masalah di seluruh dunia, bahkan di Industri Maritim. Ketika para pekerja terkena narkoba atau alkohol, hal ini dapat mengganggu pikiran mereka dan membuat mereka lebih rentan untuk melakukan kesalahan atau mengambil risiko yang tidak perlu, sehingga menyebabkan kecelakaan.

EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency) melaporkan bahwa jumlah kecelakaan di laut pada tahun 2017 adalah sebanyak 3.301 dan jumlah total kecelakaan dan korban jiwa pada tahun 2018 adalah sekitar 3.174.

Safety And Survival At Sea

Even in this modern age of aeroplanes and helicopters, we still rely heavily on the sea for the transportation of goods. Cargo ships, oil tankers, and fishing vessels still ply the waves around the world daily. Additionally, approximately 30% of the world’s oil supply comes from offshore exploration meaning a huge number of rigs, production platforms, and support vessels are operating at sea.

As with any industry involving complex machinery and human interaction, accidents can, and frequently do, occur. In most instances, the root cause of casualties and incidents at sea occur due to the failure of machines, tools, systems, or equipment, weather, and human error. Mistakes made by workers and operators play a major role in maritime accidents, with complex investigations needed to unravel the chain of events leading to an incident. While an incident may be brief, it can leave lasting impacts, not just on the people involved, but also on the environment and ecosystem.

Common Sources of Maritime Accidents

  • Accidents on Offshore Oil Rigs & Installations: The 2010 Deepwater Horizon incident in the Gulf of Mexico was an accident involving an oil rig. Offshore oil & gas exploration utilizes a great deal of heavy equipment and complex work processes. Even a minor issue or negligence of a single work process can lead to massive catastrophic incidents.
  • Accidents on Crude Oil Tankers: The main cause of accidents on oil tankers is fire or explosions. The nature of the materials transported by tankers is dangerous and highly flammable, making it easier for an explosion to occur. According to statistics, the biggest cause of these incidents on oil tankers is due to worker negligence.
  • Grounding and hull damage: Ship grounding occurs when the bottom of the ship scrapes submerged objects, such as sandbars, rocks, or shallow ocean floors. This can lead to damage to the hull, leaks, and environmental damage.
  • Accidents due to crane damage: Like operating a crane on land, operating cranes in ports and at sea also carry the risk of accidents. Failure of cables or winches can result in serious, sometimes fatal injury.
  • Drugs and alcohol: Substance abuse is a problem all over the world, even in the maritime industry. When workers are affected by drugs or alcohol it can impair their judgment and make them more prone to making mistakes or taking unnecessary risks, thus leading to an accident.

EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency) reported that the number of maritime casualties in 2017 was 3,301 and there was around 3,174 total incidents and casualties in 2018.

Keselamatan Dan Kelangsungan Hidup Di Industri Lepas Pantai

Bekerja Di Lepas Pantai Dapat Berbahaya

Salah satu karir yang paling berbahaya dan profesi yang berbahaya baik secara fisik maupun mental adalah bekerja di anjungan minyak dan gas di lepas pantai, karena isolasi, kondisi cuaca yang ekstrim, kondisi lokasi serta pengoperasian mesin dan peralatan berat selama berjam-jam pada waktu tersebut dapat menyebabkan risiko cedera dan kematian yang tinggi. Jika terjadi kesalahan di lokasi lepas pantai, akibatnya dapat menjadi bencana. Pusat Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Penyakit (CDC) dalam laporannya merekomendasikan bahwa “pengusaha harus memastikan bahwa pedoman keselamatan transportasi yang paling ketat yang berlaku harus diikuti.”

Menurut Eksekutif Kesehatan dan Keselamatan di Inggris (HSE), beberapa divisi dianggap sebagai pekerjaan di lepas pantai yang paling berbahaya di mana sebagian besar kecelakaan dan cedera terjadi, seperti:

  • Operasi Dek: Ada sekitar 39 insiden yang tercatat dari tahun 2012 hingga 2014
  • Manajemen dan Akomodasi: Ada 43 kematian dari tahun 2013 hingga 2015
  • Minyak dan Gas: Ada 56 insiden pada tahun 2014
  • Pemeliharaan dan Konstruksi: Ada 76 cedera yang tercatat di sektor ini dari tahun 2014 hingga 2015
  • Pengeboran dan Produksi: Dari tahun 2014 hingga 2015, 19 insiden tercatat di lepas pantai Inggris Raya dan tidak ada bukti bahwa langkah-langkah keselamatan pengeboran saat ini melindungi operator pengeboran

Di sebagian besar divisi ini, alat berat dan peralatan berkecepatan tinggi yang digunakan selalu menjadi sumber potensi yang berbahaya. Kebocoran minyak dan gas yang menyebabkan ledakan besar, seperti dalam kasus Piper Alpha dan Deepwater Horizon, sangat mematikan dan merusak lingkungan laut setempat.

Keselamatan harus selalu menjadi perhatian nomor satu baik bagi perusahaan maupun karyawan saat bekerja di lepas pantai. Ketika keselamatan menjadi pertimbangan kedua, kecelakaan serius, cedera, dan bahkan kematian dapat terjadi.

Kecelakaan di Lepas Pantai

Kecelakaan Piper Alpha Production Platform di Laut Utara pada tahun 1988 adalah kecelakaan di lepas pantai yang terparah yang pernah terjadi. Ledakan dan kebakaran yang diakibatkannya menyebabkan kematian sebanyak 167 pekerja, dengan hanya 61 orang yang selamat dari kejadian tersebut. Insiden ini juga menyebabkan kerusakan moneter yang sangat besar, karena menghancurkan anjungan yang telah memompa sepuluh persen dari semua minyak dan gas dari Laut Utara.

Ledakan di Deepwater Horizon pada tahun 2010 di Teluk Meksiko adalah insiden serius lainnya. Sebuah ledakan di alat pengeboran di lepas pantai menyebabkan tumpahan minyak yang sangat besar dan bencana lingkungan terburuk dalam sejarah di Amerika. Kecelakaan itu juga melukai 17 pekerja dan menewaskan 11 lainnya. Kesebelas orang itu tidak pernah ditemukan dan diperkirakan berada di dekat ledakan yang terjadi.

Kebakaran lain di atas anjungan gas alam di Teluk Meksiko terjadi pada tahun 2013, meskipun kebakaran ini tidak terlalu serius. Sebuah ledakan terjadi dan menyalakan api. Empat puluh empat pekerja di atas rig dievakuasi dengan aman. Api dipadamkan dengan cukup cepat dan respons yang tergesa-gesa membuat para pekerja aman dan tidak terluka, serta mencegah tumpahan lain yang dapat menyebabkan lebih banyak kerusakan lingkungan.

Menurut CDC, industri ekstraksi minyak dan gas di Amerika (gabungan darat dan lepas pantai) memiliki tingkat kematian kolektif tujuh kali lebih tinggi dari semua pekerja di Amerika lainnya antara tahun 2003 dan 2010. Dari setiap 100.000 karyawan di bidang ini, 27,1 mengalami kecelakaan fatal, secara rata-rata, dan 51 persen dari kecelakaan ini melibatkan transportasi. Antara tahun 2003 dan 2010, 128 kematian terjadi selama operasi minyak dan gas di lepas pantai, rata-rata 16 orang per tahun.

Penyebab Utama Kecelakaan di Lepas Pantai

Ada banyak cara di mana kecelakaan dapat terjadi pada anjungan di lepas pantai. Menurut situs web berita industri minyak dan gas populer, Fuel Fix, empat dari setiap lima kecelakaan besar di lepas pantai disebabkan oleh kesalahan manusia dan 20 persen sisanya disebabkan oleh kerusakan mekanis atau struktural.

Berikut ini adalah bahaya utama yang dapat mempengaruhi pekerja di lepas pantai:

  • Kebakaran dan Ledakan: Kebakaran yang disebabkan oleh kebocoran merupakan perhatian utama untuk para pekerja di alat pengeboran minyak. Sumber penyulutan apa pun, apakah itu percikan yang disebabkan oleh gesekan dalam mekanisme pengeboran minyak atau peningkatan tekanan yang tidak terduga di sumur minyak bawah laut, dapat memicu kebakaran dahsyat dan ledakan. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, awak di anjungan minyak memadamkan api dengan cepat dan hanya sedikit yang cedera. Seperti halnya pekerja di kapal, mungkin tidak ada cara mudah untuk melarikan diri ketika kebakaran terjadi dan ini dapat menyebabkan mereka terjatuh dari alat pengeboran, menghirup asap, terbakar dan bahkan kematian. Menurut CDC, kebakaran dan ledakan merupakan penyebab utama ketiga dari kematian di anjungan minyak, tujuh persen dari semua kematian di antara pekerja minyak disebabkan oleh kebakaran antara tahun 2003 dan 2006, sementara sembilan persen lainnya disebabkan oleh ledakan.
  • Kecelakaan akibat Jatuh: Alat pengeboran minyak di lepas pantai beroperasi sebagian besar di atas air. Akibatnya, sebagian besar pekerja naik dan turun tangga dari satu dek pengebor ke dek lainnya atau melakukan pekerjaan mereka di dekat rel dek yang menghadap ke air. Meskipun pekerja anjungan minyak memakai perlengkapan keselamatan yang mencakup sepatu bot berujung baja dengan sol yang dirancang untuk memberikan traksi yang baik, jatuh dari level yang lebih tinggi ke yang lebih rendah atau ke dalam air adalah penyebab pada cedera dan kematian karena kecelakaan. Kecelakaan-kecelakaan ini berasal dari berbagai sebab, termasuk kurangnya pelatihan keselamatan, adanya budaya keselamatan yang rendah di beberapa perusahaan, bahaya perjalanan, dan tangga yang tidak dirawat dengan baik serta pagar pengaman. Menurut CDC, pekerja pengeboran minyak di lepas pantai termasuk di antara 605 pekerja yang tewas pada tahun 2009 karena kecelakaan yang berkaitan dengan jatuh.
  • Benda Jatuh juga dapat melukai pekerja di lepas pantai. Inilah mengapa topi pengaman harus digunakan oleh semua karyawan. Kecelakaan karena benda jatuh terjadi ketika pekerja menjatuhkan alat berat dan menabrak kepala karyawan yang tidak menaruh curiga. Dalam banyak kasus, ukuran, berat, dan ketinggian alat saat dijatuhkan dapat menyebabkan cedera serius pada pekerja meskipun pekerja tersebut memakai topi pengaman. Menurut statistik BLS, 263 pekerja dari berbagai jenis pekerjaan meninggal pada tahun 2010 karena kejatuhan alat atau benda lainnya. Banyak dari kematian ini terjadi karena pekerja kehilangan pegangan pada perkakas atau meninggalkan perkakas atau benda berat tanpa pengawasan di tempat tinggi yang bisa membuat peralatan ini jatuh. Benda jatuh dari ketinggian lainnya yang menyebabkan cedera atau kematian di alat pengeboran minyak di lepas pantai termasuk bagian-bagian pipa, panel logam dan bagian peralatan yang tidak terikat, seperti baterai dan mata gergaji.
  • Mesin Berbahaya dapat menimbulkan bahaya bagi pekerja, seperti: pipa bor, mesin pemintal dan unit pendukung (derek dan mesin pengangkat barang). Fakta bahwa mesin seperti ini seringkali sangat bising membuat bahayanya semakin nyata, karena pekerja akan sulit untuk berkomunikasi dengan satu sama lain. Kegagalan mekanis peralatan atau penyalahgunaan alat berat yang digunakan dalam pengeboran di anjungan juga dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan. Menurut CDC, kontak dengan peralatan dan mesin adalah penyebab utama kematian kedua pada alat pengeboran minyak, enam persen dari kematian pekerja minyak antara tahun 2003 dan 2006 adalah karena pekerja dihancurkan oleh mesin yang bergerak dan tambahan lima persen lainnya tewas akibat tersengat listrik.
  • Transportasi: Salah satu penyebab kecelakaan dan korban jiwa bagi pekerja di anjungan minyak adalah transportasi. Pekerja harus diangkut ke dan dari alat pengeboran di lepas pantai dan perjalanan ini bisa berbahaya. Sebagian besar kematian terjadi ketika para pekerja diterbangkan dengan helikopter dan cuaca buruk paling sering menjadi penyebabnya. Pekerja juga dapat diangkut dari alat pengeboran dengan kapal atau perahu dan ini juga menyebabkan sejumlah besar kecelakaan fatal.
  • Bahan Kimia Berbahaya dan Beracun: Pekerja di anjungan lepas pantai juga berisiko terpapar bahan kimia berbahaya dan beracun, termasuk minyak dan gas di tempat mereka mengebor. Pembongkaran adalah penyebab kematian nomor empat bagi para pekerja ini, tetapi kecelakaan yang mengarah pada pembongkaran juga dapat menyebabkan penyakit dan cedera selain kematian.

Penyebab lain terjadinya kecelakaan di lepas pantai adalah akibat kelalaian, kurangnya perhatian, kehilangan konsentrasi, kurangnya profesionalisme, kurangnya pengetahuan tentang tugas yang dihadapi, kelelahan dan kesalahan fisik.

Perusahaan di industri ini harus berhati-hati untuk mengatasi setiap sumber berbahaya ini. Melakukan hal itu dapat menyelamatkan mereka dari kehilangan uang karena kecelakaan dan kesalahan, dan hal ini juga dapat mencegah cedera serius atau kematian di antara tenaga kerja.

Cedera akibat Kecelakaan di Lepas Pantai

Dampak terparah dari kecelakaan di lepas pantai adalah cedera, mulai dari yang ringan hingga yang parah dan mengancam nyawa. Cuaca dapat menyebabkan hipotermia atau jatuh ke laut. Kecelakaan dengan peralatan dapat menyebabkan cedera kepala, cedera leher, cedera bahu dan kehilangan anggota tubuh, dan cedera ini dapat menyebabkan luka, robekan dan dalam keadaan yang ekstrim bahkan amputasi. Kebakaran dapat menyebabkan luka bakar dan penyakit pernapasan. Paparan bahan kimia dapat menyebabkan ruam dan gangguan pernapasan, serta luka bakar. Kecelakaan transportasi yang tidak fatal dapat menyebabkan patah tulang, hipotermia, serta cedera punggung, leher, dan kepala.

Cara Mencegah Kecelakaan di Lepas Pantai

Selalu ada risiko yang melekat saat bekerja di lepas pantai, bahkan dalam kondisi terbaik. Perusahaan harus menerapkan penekanan kuat pada “Keselamatan Yang Utama, Pekerjaan Yang Kedua” dan menumbuhkan budaya keselamatan yang kuat untuk membantu mencegah kecelakaan.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa cara untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan:

  • Aturan utama “Keselamatan Yang Utama”: Aturan keselamatan harus diterapkan dalam pikiran, sikap dan perilaku semua pekerja, supervisor, manajer dan direktur untuk menjaga lingkungan kerja yang aman dan selalu waspada terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya bahaya.
  • Pelatihan Sebelum Masuk: Semua pekerja baru, pekerja yang dipindahkan dan subkontraktor harus diwajibkan untuk melakukan pelatihan awal sebelum diizinkan masuk dan bekerja di lokasi. Ini mencakup instruksi tentang mesin dan peralatan yang digunakan serta semua prosedur keselamatan dan evakuasi. Mereka juga harus dilatih untuk saling memperhatikan, menunjukkan potensi bahaya apa pun kepada supervisor dan sesama pekerja, serta mengingatkan orang lain tentang aturan dan prosedur saat mereka melihat sesuatu yang dilakukan yang berpotensi menuju bahaya. Ini bukan hanya tentang pelatihan, tetapi secara aktif bekerja bersama untuk menanamkan budaya keselamatan sehari-hari dan memastikan semua orang mengikuti prosedur yang benar, sehingga menghasilkan lingkungan kerja yang lebih aman bagi semua orang.
  • Pemakaian Alat Pelindung Pribadi yang Diperlukan: Untuk menghindari cedera, semua tempat memerlukan alat pelindung diri (APD) yang wajib, termasuk kacamata keselamatan, topi pengaman, sarung tangan, sepatu bot berujung baja, alat bantu pernapasan (jika diperlukan) dan pakaian untuk melindungi diri dari api. Pekerja yang tidak memakai APD yang tepat tidak diperbolehkan masuk ke lokasi kerja.
  • Pekerjaan dan Laporan Berkelanjutan oleh Manajer / Pengawas Keselamatan: Manajer / Pengawas Keselamatan harus melakukan pemeriksaan dan pemeliharaan rutin terhadap semua mesin di lokasi untuk membantu mencegah kegagalan prematur dan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya. Manajer / Pengawas Keselamatan juga harus membuat laporan keselamatan dan inspeksi dengan jadwal yang teratur untuk memberi tahu manajemen yang lebih tinggi tentang situasi dan kondisi lokasi, peralatan dan tenaga kerja, dengan potensi bahaya yang disorot dan saran untuk tindakan pencegahan. Manajer / Pengawas Keselamatan harus membuat kebijakan keselamatan tersedia baik di atas kertas maupun online untuk berbagi praktik terbaik dengan karyawan, dan memberikan pembaruan dan berita tentang kondisi keselamatan di perusahaan.

Safety And Survival In The Offshore Industry

Working On Offshore Can Be Dangerous

One of the most dangerous careers and hazardous professions both physically and mentally is working on an offshore oil and gas platform, because of the isolation, the extreme weather conditions, the location conditions, and the operating of heavy machinery and equipment for hours at a time that can cause a high risk of injuries and death. If something goes wrong in an offshore location, the results can be disastrous. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in its report recommends that “employers should ensure that the most stringent applicable transportation safety guidelines are followed.”

According to the UK Health and Safety Executive – (HSE), several divisions are taken as the most dangerous offshore jobs where most accidents and injuries occur, such as:

  • Deck Operations: There were around 39 incidents recorded from 2012 to 2014
  • Management and Accommodation: There were 43 death from 2013 to 2015
  • Oil and Gas: There were 56 incidents in 2014
  • Maintenance and Construction: There were 76 recorded injuries in this sector from 2014 to 2015
  • Drilling and Production: From 2014 to 2015, 19 incidents were recorded offshore UK and there is no evidence that current drilling safety measures are protecting drill operators

In most of these divisions, the heavy machinery and the high speed of the equipment used are a constant source of potential hazards. Oil and gas leaks that have led to major explosions, as in the case of Piper Alpha and Deepwater Horizon, are particularly lethal and devastate the local marine environment.

Safety should always be the number one concern of both employers and employees when working offshore. When safety becomes a secondary thought, serious accidents, injuries, and even death can occur.

Offshore Accidents

The worst offshore accident to ever occur happened on the Piper Alpha Production Platform in the North Sea in 1988. The explosion and resulting fires led to the death of 167 workers, with only 61 people surviving the incident. The incident also caused a huge amount of monetary damage, as it destroyed the platform which had been pumping out ten percent of all oil and gas from the North Sea.

The 2010 Deepwater Horizon blowout in the Gulf of Mexico was another serious incident. An explosion on an offshore rig led to a huge oil spill and the worst environmental disaster in the history of the U.S. The accident also injured 17 workers and killed 11 more. Those 11 were never recovered and were thought to have been near the explosion when it happened.

Another fire aboard a natural gas platform in the Gulf of Mexico occurred in 2013, although this one was much less serious. A blowout occurred and started the fire. Forty-four workers aboard the rig were safely evacuated. The fire was put out fairly quickly and the hurried response kept the workers safe and uninjured and prevented another spill that could have created more environmental damage.

According to the CDC, the U.S. oil and gas extraction industry (onshore and offshore combined) had a collective fatality rate seven times higher than all other U.S. workers between 2003 and 2010. Out of every 100,000 employees in this field, 27.1 suffered a fatal accident, on average, and 51 percent of these accidents involved some sort of transportation. Between 2003 and 2010, 128 fatalities occurred during offshore oil and gas operations, an average of 16 per year.

Leading Cause of Accidents Offshore

There are many ways in which accidents can occur on offshore rigs and platforms. According to the popular oil and gas industry news website Fuel Fix, four of every five major offshore accidents are caused by human error and the remaining 20 percent are caused by mechanical or structural failures.

The following are the major hazards that can affect offshore workers:

  • Fires and Explosions: Fires caused by leaks are a major concern for workers on oil rigs. Any ignition source, whether it’s a spark caused by friction in the oil rig’s mechanisms or an unexpected rise in pressure in the subsea oil well, can trigger catastrophic fires and blowout-type explosions. In most cases, the oil rig crews extinguish fires quickly and few injuries occur. As with workers on a ship, there may not be an easy way to escape when a fire breaks out and this can lead to falls off the rig, smoke inhalation, burns, and even death. According to the CDC, fires and explosions represent the third-leading cause of fatalities on oil rigs and platforms seven percent of all fatalities among oil workers were attributable to fires between 2003 and 2006, while an additional nine percent were attributed to explosions.
  • Fall-related Accidents: Offshore oil rigs operate mostly above the water. As a result, most workers clamber up and down ladders from one deck of the rig to another or perform their jobs near the deck rails overlooking the water. Although oil rig workers wear safety gear that includes steel-toed boots with soles designed to provide good traction, falls from higher levels to lower ones, or into the water are the cause of many accidental injuries and deaths. These accidents stem from various causes, including lack of safety training, the presence of a low safety culture in some companies, trip hazards, and poorly maintained ladders and safety railings. According to the CDC, offshore oil rig workers were included among the 605 workers killed in 2009 because of fall-related accidents.
  • Falling Objects can also injure offshore workers. This is why hard hats should be used by all employees. Falling object accidents occur when a worker drops a heavy tool and it hits an unsuspecting employee on the head. In many instances, the tool’s size, weight, and the height from which it is dropped can cause serious injury to the worker even though the worker wears a hard hat. According to BLS statistics, 263 workers in various occupations died in 2010 because of dropped tools or other fallen objects. Many of these deaths occurred because workers lost their grips on tools or left tools or heavy objects unattended in high places from which they could fall. Other fall-from-height objects that cause injuries or deaths on offshore oil rigs include sections of pipe, metal paneling, and unattached equipment parts, such as batteries and saw blades.
  • Hazardous Machinery can pose dangers to workers, such as the drill pipe, spinning machinery, and support units (cranes and forklifts). The fact that such machines are often quite noisy makes this danger even more present, as it can be difficult for workers to communicate with each other. Mechanical failures of equipment or misuse of heavy equipment used in drilling on platforms can also cause accidents. According to the CDC, contact with equipment and machinery was the second-leading cause of death on oil rigs, six percent of oil worker deaths between 2003 and 2006 were due to workers being crushed by moving machinery and an additional five percent were killed by electrocution.
  • Transportation: One of the causes of accidents and fatalities for oil rig and platform workers is related to transportation. Workers must be transported to and from offshore rigs and these trips can be dangerous. Most deaths occurred when workers were being flown by helicopter and bad weather was most often to blame. Workers may also be transported to rigs by ship or boat and these also account for a significant number of fatal accidents.
  • Dangerous and Toxic chemicals: Workers on offshore rigs and platforms are also at risk of being exposed to dangerous and toxic chemicals, including the oil and gas they are drilling for. Exposure is the fourth-leading cause of death for these workers, but accidents that lead to exposure can also cause illnesses and injuries in addition to fatalities.

The other cause of accidents on offshore result from negligence, lack of attention, loss of concentration, lack of professionalism, lack of knowledge about the task at hand, fatigue, and physical error.

Companies within these industries must take care to address each of these sources of hazard. Doing so can save them from losing money due to accidents and mistakes, and it can also prevent serious injuries or fatalities in the workforce.

Injuries from Accidents Offshore

The worst effects of accidents offshore are injuries, starting from mild to severe and life-threatening. Weather can cause hypothermia or falls overboard. Accidents with equipment can cause head injuries, neck injuries, shoulder injuries, and lost limbs, and these injuries can lead to cuts, lacerations, and in extreme circumstances even amputation. Fires can cause burns and respiratory illnesses. Exposure to chemicals can cause rashes and respiratory distress, as well as burns. Transportation accidents that aren’t fatal may lead to broken bones, hypothermia, and back, neck, and head injuries.

How to Prevent Accidents Offshore

There is always an inherent risk when working offshore is always, even under the best conditions. Companies should apply a strong emphasis on “safety first, job second” and foster a strong safety culture to help prevent accidents.

The following are  some of the ways to prevent accidents from happening:

  • The main rule of “Safety First”: The rule of safety should be applied in the mind, attitude, and behavior of all workers, supervisors, managers, and directors to maintain a safe working environment and to always be aware and alert to possible hazards.
  • Pre-entry Training: All new workers, transferred workers, and subcontractors must be required to carry out initial training before being allowed to enter and work on site. It includes instruction on the machinery and equipment in use as well as all safety and evacuation procedures. They should also be trained to look out for each other, point out any potential hazards to supervisors and fellow workers, and remind others of the rules and procedures when they see something being done that is potentially hazardous. It is not just training, but actively working together to instill the safety culture day-to-day and ensuring everyone is following the correct procedures, thus resulting in a safer work environment for everyone.
  • Wear Required Personal Protective Equipment: To avoid getting injuries, all sites require mandatory personal protective equipment (PPE), including safety glasses, hard hats, gloves, steel-toed boots, respirators (where required), and fire-resistant clothing. Workers who do not wear the right PPE should not be allowed onto the work site.
  • Continuous Work and Report by the Safety Manager / Supervisor: The Safety Manager / Supervisor should conduct regular maintenance checks of all machinery on site to help prevent premature failure and to identify any potential hazards. The Safety Manager / Supervisor should also make safety and inspection reports on a regular schedule to let higher management know the situation and condition of the location, equipment, and workforce, with any potential hazards highlighted and suggestions for preventative measures. The Safety Manager / Supervisor should make safety policies available both on paper and online to share the best practices with employees and provide updates and news of safety conditions at the company.