30 October 2023

High Pressure In The Drilling Process

High pressure in the Drilling Process in the Oil and Gas Industry can cause several problems as follows:
- Loose and uncontrolled formation of fluid
- Borehole walls collapsed due to high pore water pressure
- Drill pipe stuck in the drill hole due to swelling of the drill hole walls
- Drilling mud leaks into the formation
- The drilling process becomes more difficult
- The drilling time becomes longer

Techniques for dealing with high pressure:
- Using drilling mud which can cool and lubricate the drill bit, remove debris, maintain well control, increase hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore, and prevent formation fluid from entering the drilled hole
- Using various sensors to monitor pressure in the wellbore and formation
- Using well control equipment to prevent and control blowouts
- Using new technology that can withstand high pressure and temperature

High pressure is a challenge in the Drilling Process in the Oil and Gas Industry, however, companies can use various new techniques and technologies to overcome hazards and risks and increase safety and efficiency.

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27 October 2023

Fire And Helideck

Fires also frequently occur on the Helideck. The Helideck is the place where the Helicopter lands and is usually located at:
- Offshore Oil and Gas Platform
- Ship
- Hospital
- Government Building
- High-Rise Building

Firefighting on the Helideck is the most important Safety Procedure in:
- Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
- Sea Transportation Industry
- Other industries that depend on Helicopters

The fire at Helideck is dangerous because of:
- Flammable materials: Aviation fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids and others
- Confined Space
- Rotating propeller on the Helicopter
- Heat and smoke produced by fire

If a fire occurs on the Helideck, the actions that the Fire Fighting Team must take are:
- Complying with Safety Procedures
- Using and providing PPE
- Facing and minimizing all dangers and risks that occur on the Helideck
- Protecting the lives of pilots, personnel, and passengers on the Helicopter, as well as personnel on the Helideck
- Evacuating all personnel
- Extinguishing fires using appropriate Fire Extinguishers

For the Firefighters at Helideck to comply with Safety Procedures and ensure the safety of themselves and others, they must take proper training.

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24 October 2023

Protection From Fall

Ways to protect the workers from falls when working at height:

- Ensure that the workers have taken training to protect themselves from falls, select and use the right equipment, carry out inspections, and others
- Identify and assess hazards and risks before starting any work at height: Electricity, items that may fall, trees, slippery surfaces, uneven surfaces, and others
- Have a Safety Plan and Procedure to work safely that is adapted to the height of the work area, type of work carried out, equipment used, and environmental conditions
- Check all equipment before use
- Ensure that all equipment is maintained and installed properly
- Ensure a flat and sturdy surface
- Use proper equipment: Fall Protection Equipment, Safety Ropes, Tie-down Ropes, Anchors, Ladders, Guardrails and more
- Practice Safe Working at Height: Use 3 points of contact at all times, be aware of surroundings, avoid excessive work and balance, and more
- Ensure that the workers rest at the specified times
- Ensure that communication with other people is always carried out
- Ensure that all workers can protect themselves

Protect yourself when you work at heights! Don't fall!

#safety #survival #emergency #rescue #security #education #information #HSE #protection #fall 

19 October 2023

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) is a very toxic gas. H2S binds to an important enzyme in cells in the human body so that these cells cannot produce energy and cause death in humans.

H2S causes serious health problems:
- Hard to breathe
- Irritation to eyes and skin
- Body disorders: The victim feels weak
- Digestive disorders: The victim feels nauseous and then vomits
- Head disorders: Headache and dizziness
- Seizures
- Death

H2S can be found at:
- Sewerage, including septic tanks
- Waste Water Treatment Installation
- Areas that produce oil and gas
- All factories (paper mills, steel and others)
- Volcanic area
- Places to decompose organic materials
- Basement

Some ways to protect yourself from H2S:
- Always be aware of all areas you visit, because H2S can be everywhere
- Use PPE when working in areas where H2S may be present, such as Confined Spaces and others
- Use a Gas Detector
- Leave the place immediately if there is a suspicious smell

Warning: No drug can treat H2S. If you are exposed to H2S, seek medical help immediately to prevent death!

#safety #survival #emergency #rescue #security #education #HSE #information #knowledge #H2S #gas #Hydrogen #Sulfide 

13 October 2023

Offshore Emergency

3 emergencies that usually occur Offshore:
- Emergency at sea
- Emergency in Helicopter
- Offshore Emergency

Emergency At Sea

Accidents that usually occur at sea:
- The ship was disturbed and damaged due to strong currents, waves, and storm
- The ship collided with another ship
- Passengers drowned

The right skills to save ourselves and survive when we travel to/through the sea is needed because:
- The sea is a dangerous environment
- Accidents can happen to anyone
- Rescue actions cannot occur quickly because the Rescue Team needs time to find you and save you

When traveling at sea, have the right knowledge about:
- PPE, life jacket and more
- Necessary equipment (rafts, nets, lifeboats)
- Bad weather
- Dangers at sea
- Damaged ships and boats
- Signal For Help
- Food and drinking water in the sea
- Ways to survive in the sea

Emergency In Helicopter

The process of escaping from a Helicopter underwater is very challenging. Some steps to take to escape from Helicopter underwater:
- Stay calm and follow instructions from the crew
- Use EBS / CA-EBS which helps to breathe underwater
- Remove the seat belt from the shoulder
- Move to the nearest Emergency Exit
- Open the Emergency Door and exit the Helicopter
- Swim away from the Helicopter quickly to avoid the explosion from the Helicopter
- Develop a life jacket

Some other steps to consider:
- Be aware of your surroundings
- Be prepared to react quickly
- Don't panic so that mistakes don't happen
- Breathe slowly and deeply
- Use EBS / CA-EBS correctly by ensuring that the mask fits tightly
- Maintain physical and mental calm so that you remain strong while waiting for the Rescue Team

Offshore Emergency

The best ways to face Offshore Emergencies:
- Recognize the dangers and risks that usually occur in Offshore Oil and Gas Installations
- Get to know the applicable regulations
- Have proper knowledge regarding Safety Management and Safety Procedures
- Use Safety and Emergency Equipment (PPE, Lifeboat, TEMPSC)

The best ways to handle emergency occurs Offshore:
- Sound an alarm to give a warning
- Provide information regarding emergencies that occur using Radio
- Carry out the Emergency Procedures owned by the Offshore Installation
- Save yourself via the Evacuation Route
- Save yourself when an emergency occurs in the Helicopter
- Save yourself when you are in an area filled with smoke
- Extinguish the fire using the right fire extinguisher
- Perform first aid
- Get help from the Medical Team
- Take the right actions to survive in the sea

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