08 December 2023

Emergency At The Helicopter

Some knowledge about Helicopters that you should know.

Best actions to prepare before an emergency occurs in a Helicopter:
- Take appropriate training to have knowledge of Safety Procedures in Helicopters
- Use the required PPE and equipment
- Always listen to instructions from Crew and Pilot
- Always communicate with the Rescue Team
- Always be ready to carry out Safety Procedures

An emergency occurs in a Helicopter because of:
- The bad weather
- The machine is damaged
- The pilot made a mistake

One of the emergencies that occurs in Helicopters is when the Helicopter sinks underwater. If this happens, the only way to save yourself is to push the windows and doors on the Helicopter out so that the Pilot, Crew, and Passengers can get out of the Helicopter.

Running away from a Helicopter that is underwater is a very dangerous act. The person carrying out this action must have been trained and have used special equipment. If not, the person will usually suffer serious injury and die.

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Control Room Operator

Some of the work that must be done by the Control Room Operator (CRO):
- Monitor, supervise, and control various equipment, machines, and operations
- Analyze data
- Identify hazards and risks
- Take decisions and perform necessary actions: Starting and stopping machines, managing operations, and more
- Provide information to parties who need it: Technicians, Supervisors, Management, Operators, Emergency Response Officers and others
- Document events and actions taken

CRO roles in various industries:
- Power Generation: CRO monitors and controls power generation, transmission, and distribution and ensures stable power supply
- Oil and Gas Refinery: CRO oversees processes for extracting, refining, and transporting oil and gas and maintaining safety
- Manufacturing Plant: CRO controls production lines and automated equipment and ensures quality
- Transport Systems: CRO manages air traffic and rail network and maintains safe movement of people and goods
- Emergency Response Center: CRO receives and responds to emergency calls and dispatches ambulances, Firefighters and other Emergency Personnel

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05 December 2023

How To Rescue Workers From Confined Space

Some actions that the Rescue Team must take when they want to rescue workers from Confined Spaces:

- Assess the situation to determine if rescue action is necessary
- Provide information about emergencies through Alarms and Information Providing Tools
- Use required PPE and equipment: Jacket, glasses, gloves, helmet, SCBA, rope and others
- If the victim is still conscious and breathing, the Rescue Team can guide the victim to carry out the Evacuation Process without the Rescue Team having to enter the Confined Space
- If the victim is unconscious, not breathing, and injured, the Rescue Team must enter the Confined Space to save the victim
- Before entering a Confined Space, the Rescue Team must ensure that the entry area is secured, the Rescue Operation can be carried out appropriately and the risks that may be experienced by the victim and the Rescue Team can be minimized
- The most important thing that the Rescue Team must remember: The Rescue Process by entering a Confined Space is dangerous because the team will be exposed to danger as well
- When rescuing victims in Confined Spaces, the Rescue Team must carry out appropriate Safety Procedures and provide first aid
- After the Rescue Process has been completed, the Rescue Team must investigate the incident that has occurred to determine the cause of the incident and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future

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Role Of The Plant Manager / Incident Commander

The role of the Plant Manager / Incident Commander (PM/IC) is to effectively manage and coordinate the response to emergencies at industrial facilities. They are responsible for making important decisions to protect the safety of personnel, the environment, and the facility itself.

Some responsibilities that must be carried out by PM/IC:
- Assess information about incidents to determine the type of hazard, number of people affected, and damage caused to equipment
- Carry out appropriate actions to resolve incidents: Carry out the Evacuation Process, extinguish fires, and provide Medical Treatment
- Coordinate resources and personnel: Assign tasks, delegate authority, and communicate
- Document incidents and use the information to improve future emergency preparedness

PM/IC must have knowledge of:
- Facilities, processes, and operations
- Danger and risk
- Planning
- Strategy and Tactics for handling incidents
- Incident Command System
- Leadership
- Techniques for communicating and coordinating
- Preparedness
- Emergency Response
- How to make decisions under pressure
- Ways to handle stress

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02 December 2023

Justin Trudeau Supports Children, Youth, And Women And The Positive Effect On The Growth Of The Economy In Canada

Justin Trudeau, Children, And Youth

On November 20, 2023, The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau stated his support to children and youth. As the Government of Canada celebrates the 30th National Child Day, he wants to build a healthy, safe, and secure country by helping Canada’s children and youth reach their full potential and become the leaders of tomorrow.

In 1993, the Government of Canada declared November 20 as National Child Day, coinciding with the fourth anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Canada has the commitment to protect children’s rights. The children in Canada are treated with respect and dignity.

The Government of Canada has done its best to:
- Lift thousands of children out of poverty through the Canada Child Benefit
- Deliver the early learning and child care system across all provinces and territories
- Launch the Canada Dental Benefit to deliver oral health care to children
- Ensure that all children can access the support and resources they need and deserve

Justin Trudeau believes that investing in children is investing in a brighter future. He wants to continue to work together with all Canadian people to build a more inclusive country for the kids, where the children can reach their full potential with happiness, love, and opportunities.

Justin Trudeau And Women

On November 25, 2023, Justin Trudeau stated that, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, he wants to stop gender-based violence and support victims, survivors, and their families.

Justin Trudeau says that gender-based violence is a serious issue that affects women, girls, and gender-diverse people across Canada. The risk is even higher for Indigenous women and girls, racialized women, women living in rural and remote areas, and women with disabilities. He wants Canada to be a safe and inclusive place for everyone.

Justin Trudeau has signed bilateral agreements to ensure support is readily available and accessible nationwide. He wants everyone in Canada to feel safe and respected by making significant investments in housing and infrastructure, shelters and safe spaces, employment, justice, education, and mental health and wellness support.

Justin Trudeau has worked together with partners and women’s rights organizations to build a world free of gender-based violence and achieve gender equality. Canada has done its best to help prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls in criminal justice detention.

Justin Trudeau invites everyone to join the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #16Days to speak out against gender-based violence.

Justin Trudeau And The Growth Of Economy In Canada

We can't deny that children and youth are the leaders in the future, and women are a part of the economy worldwide. Currently, women are also the owners and leaders of some great companies and businesses around the world. The facts show that children, youth, and women need the same treatment and should be placed at the same level as men.

By supporting and protecting the children, youth, and women, Justin Trudeau has helped Canada to have better economic growth. A great country can only grow if everyone works together to create, build, support, and protect, and Justin Trudeau has opened the door for it to happen.

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