16 January 2024

Knowledge About First Aid

Here's the reason why we need to have "Knowledge About First Aid".

General Reason

- Emergencies, accidents, heart attacks, and major bleeding can always happen at any time to anyone and anywhere!
- By having "Knowledge About First Aid", emergencies can be handled more quickly and effectively!
- “Knowledge About First Aid” can save a person's life and increase the chances of survival when an emergency occurs
- Safety can be provided before the Professional Medical Team arrives
- "Knowledge About First Aid" can foster a sense of responsibility for the situations and conditions that occur
- "Knowledge About First Aid" is the main investment for all of us

For The Victim

- Wounds and injuries can be reduced and healed
- Aches, sprains, and soreness can be reduced
- Diseases can be identified immediately
- Discomfort can be reduced
- Further complications can be prevented
- Victim will have the enthusiasm to continue living and become healthier

For The Helper / Rescuer

- Helper / Rescuer will have self-confidence and be ready to help other people/victims, control the situation, and act proactively to assist calmly and effectively
- Helper / Rescuer will have awareness of Potential Hazards and Safety Procedures
- Helper / Rescuer can prevent accidents and injuries

First Aid

The Helper / Rescuer needs to have the understanding of the following:
- Respiratory System
- Circulatory System
- Ways to assist when an emergency occurs
- Ways to assess victims
- Ways to do First Aid
- Ways to deal with Internal and External Bleeding
- Ways to handle unconscious victims
- Ways to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- Emotional Support and Safety at the scene
- Reporting and Recording
- Personal Hygiene

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02 January 2024

Understanding The Drilling Operation In The Oil And Gas Industry

A good starting point for understanding Drilling Operations in the Oil and Gas Industry.

Drilling in the Oil and Gas Industry is the process of finding new oil and gas reserves and the process of making well holes to access underground oil deposits. This is the first step in bringing valuable resources to the surface for consumption. Some other things to know about drilling:

- Well drilling is always carried out in unknown and unmapped areas
- Drilling is a risky but rewarding endeavor, as it yields significant profits
- During drilling, there is always an assessment carried out to decide whether drilling will continue or not: Assess size, quality, and commercial feasibility
- When deemed profitable, drilling to extract oil and gas continues

Several types of drilling:
- Rotary Drilling: Usually done using a rotating drill bit to break and destroy rock formations. Drilling fluid is circulated to cool the drill bit, remove cuttings, and maintain wellbore pressure.
- Directional Drilling: This technique allows the well to deviate from the vertical path, reaching reservoirs located offshore or beneath challenging terrain. This type is often used in conjunction with Rotary Drilling.
- Horizontal Drilling: This method involves drilling horizontally from the wellbore to access a wider area of the reservoir, thereby maximizing production. This type is very useful for unconventional resources such as shale oil and gas.

Drilling can have a significant impact on the environment, including:
- Fluids produced by drilling can pollute soil and water
- Emissions from Drilling Rigs and equipment can cause air quality problems
- Drilling Operations can cause noise and light which can disturb the surrounding animals and community

Some of the best steps taken by the Oil and Gas Industry to optimize Drilling Operations, reduce environmental impact, and ensure that drilling remains a safe and efficient way to meet the world's energy needs:
- Use a cleaner combustion engine
- Do some things to reduce noise and light
- Use data and technological advances to improve safety and reduce losses
- Develop a new drilling method that uses sound waves to break up rock formations, potentially reducing environmental impacts

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17 December 2023

Helideck, Skill, And Emergency

If you want to work in the Helideck, you need to have the ability to:
- Provide and use PPE and SCBA
- Refuel
- Handle dangerous goods
- Enter the Helideck when an emergency occurs
- Control incidents on Helicopters and Helidecks
- Use a fire extinguisher
- Extinguish fires in Helicopters and Helidecks
- Handle victims

The Reason Why You Need To Have The Skills Above

Some emergencies that occur on the Helideck:
- Helicopter crashes into the Helideck
- Fire breaks out in Helicopter and Helideck

Several things that cause emergencies to occur on the Helideck:
- The engine on the Helicopter is damaged
- Lightning strikes the Helicopter
- The Helicopter has a fuel leak
- Severe weather conditions: Wind, rain, snow and more
- The pilot experiences fatigue
- The pilot does not have good experience
- There is a foreign object on the Helideck
- Lack of communication
- Landing and Takeoff Processes not prepared properly
- Safety Procedures are not carried out
- Passenger does not comply with Safety Instructions
- Unauthorized persons enter the Helideck

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08 December 2023

Emergency At The Helicopter

Some knowledge about Helicopters that you should know.

Best actions to prepare before an emergency occurs in a Helicopter:
- Take appropriate training to have knowledge of Safety Procedures in Helicopters
- Use the required PPE and equipment
- Always listen to instructions from Crew and Pilot
- Always communicate with the Rescue Team
- Always be ready to carry out Safety Procedures

An emergency occurs in a Helicopter because of:
- The bad weather
- The machine is damaged
- The pilot made a mistake

One of the emergencies that occurs in Helicopters is when the Helicopter sinks underwater. If this happens, the only way to save yourself is to push the windows and doors on the Helicopter out so that the Pilot, Crew, and Passengers can get out of the Helicopter.

Running away from a Helicopter that is underwater is a very dangerous act. The person carrying out this action must have been trained and have used special equipment. If not, the person will usually suffer serious injury and die.

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Control Room Operator

Some of the work that must be done by the Control Room Operator (CRO):
- Monitor, supervise, and control various equipment, machines, and operations
- Analyze data
- Identify hazards and risks
- Take decisions and perform necessary actions: Starting and stopping machines, managing operations, and more
- Provide information to parties who need it: Technicians, Supervisors, Management, Operators, Emergency Response Officers and others
- Document events and actions taken

CRO roles in various industries:
- Power Generation: CRO monitors and controls power generation, transmission, and distribution and ensures stable power supply
- Oil and Gas Refinery: CRO oversees processes for extracting, refining, and transporting oil and gas and maintaining safety
- Manufacturing Plant: CRO controls production lines and automated equipment and ensures quality
- Transport Systems: CRO manages air traffic and rail network and maintains safe movement of people and goods
- Emergency Response Center: CRO receives and responds to emergency calls and dispatches ambulances, Firefighters and other Emergency Personnel

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