30 June 2024

Current Role Of Drones

The latest amazing things that sophisticated Drones can do :-)

Drones have become a reliable and versatile tool because they can:
- Monitor conditions
- Inspect material characteristics
- Collect and calculate data
- Measure the dimensions of objects
- Control measurements

Using Drones can do all of the above digitally and automatically!

Some additional tools on the Drone can also:
- Be placed above, in front, or below the Drone
- Be formed according to needs

Currently, the role of Drones in various industries:
- Oil and Gas Industry: Checking corrosion in pipes, tanks and offshore structures
- Transportation Industry: Checking the suitability of cargo tanks, oil tanks, and their components
- Construction Industry: Checking for defects in concrete, steel and welded structures
- Manufacturing Industry: Checking the quality of engine components, pipes and tanks
- Energy Industry: Checking the suitability of transmission towers and their components

With all their sophistication, Drones can:
- Save time
- Save cost
- Carry out work precisely, quickly, safely, easily and efficiently


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer.

27 June 2024

Safety When Working At Height

When working at heights, there are several common dangers that we must be aware of:
- Falls from heights are a major cause of death and injury
- Unstable and slippery surfaces can cause slips and falls
- Lack of inadequate edge protection
- Objects falling from a height
- Collapse of scaffolding
- Damage that occurs to Lifting Equipment
- Bad weather conditions can affect stability and visibility
- Lack of proper training

Warning: Even a fall from a relatively low height, such as a ladder or rooftop, can result in serious injury!

Some steps to take to reduce risk and increase security when working at heights (buildings, stairs, bridges, etc.):
- Make a Safety Procedure
- Take the right training, and the certificate should state that we are allowed to work at heights
- Do the right preparation: Assess the work location, identify potential hazards, check weather conditions (strong wind, rain, snow), ensure security and cleanliness at the work site
- Ensure stable position
- Use the correct PPE that fulfills the Safety Standard
- Place the Rescue Team at the work site
- Communicate with all workers and all parties at the work site
- Follow the Safety Procedures
- Have the ability to protect ourselves from falls and identify hazards
- Make sure to fall safely

Some equipment that can protect us from emergencies when working at height:
- Helmet
- Safety glasses
- Anti-slip boots
- Rope
- Connector
- Fall support/protection device
- Fall protection equipment
- Guardrails/barriers
- Safety nets

Prioritize our safety – the most important thing – when working at heights! Implementing control measures can significantly reduce these risks and create a safer work environment.


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer.

25 June 2024

Knowledge And Skills To Survive As An Offshore Worker

As an emergency may occur on an offshore installation, you need the right knowledge and skills to survive if you work as an Offshore Worker!

How do you prevent an emergency from occurring? What to do in an emergency?

Here's the knowledge you should know:
- Safety Induction
- Safety Regulation and Management
- Helicopter Safety Procedures
- Generic hazards that are specific to offshore oil and gas installation
- Potential risks associated with the hazard
- Emergency, including emergency at helicopter
- Hypothermia
- First aid technique
- Self-rescue techniques in low visibility situations (smoke-filled areas)
- Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET)

Here's the skills you need to do:
- Ways to eliminate and reduce risks
- Ways to use the safety equipment, including fire fighting equipment, Lifeboat, and TEMPSC
- Ways to extinguish the fire
- Ways to escape from a helicopter following ditching
- Ways to survive at sea


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer.

Emergency In Building And Floor Warden

Emergencies can occur in the building!

Some things to do when an emergency occurs in a building:
- Provide information about dangerous conditions and who is still in the building to the Building Coordinator
- Direct occupants to carry out the Evacuation Process by leaving the scene via the nearest emergency exit and evacuation route
- Prevent individuals from using elevators during evacuation
- Guide individuals to designated gathering areas
- Extinguish the fire if a fire occurs
- Prevent individuals from re-entering the building until conditions are deemed safe
- Providing first aid to victims who need it
- Ensure that Emergency and Safety Procedures are carried out

The above things are usually done by the Floor / Fire Warden.

Who Is the Floor Warden / Fire Warden?

A Floor Warden, also sometimes called a Fire Warden, is someone responsible for the safety of a specific area, typically a floor in a building, during an emergency. They are especially important in fire emergencies but may also be involved in other situations like floods or medical emergencies. They are the first line of defense in an evacuation and their calm leadership can make a big difference.

Here are some of the key things Floor Wardens do:

* Before an emergency:
- Floor Wardens should be familiar with the Emergency Evacuation Plan for their building and their specific floor
- Floor Wardens should also know the location of fire exits, fire extinguishers, and first-aid kits
- Floor Wardens should be responsible for helping to keep exits clear
- Floor Wardens should educate occupants on Safety Procedures

* During an emergency:
- When an emergency alarm sounds, Floor Wardens are responsible for ensuring that everyone on their floor conducts the Evacuation Process safely
- Floor Wardens should help people with disabilities
- Floor Wardens should make sure everyone knows where to go
- Floor Wardens should do a headcount to ensure no one is left behind
- Floor Wardens should keep people safe during emergencies
- Floor Wardens should report the status of the evacuation to a designated leader

The knowledge the Floor Wardens should know:
- Basic HSE related to fire prevention in the building
- Fire theory and anatomy
- Flammable/explosive materials in the building
- Common fire hazards in the building
- Precautionary principle
- Basic use of fire extinguishers
- Fire extinguishing techniques
- Passive and Active Protection Systems
- Evacuation Process: Exits, corridors, stairs, helipad, muster points
- Actions to take during earthquakes, bomb threats, and flood events

Are you ready to work as the Floor Warden?


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer.

Plug And Abandonment In Drilling

The "Plug and Abandonment / P&A" Process refers to the temporary and permanent process to close the oil and gas wells.

The difference between temporary and permanent P&A Process:

Temporary P&A Process:
- Occurs when there is an intention to re-enter the well at a later date (usually within months) or is done for maintenance or other reasons
- The temporary P&A Process is carried out by closing the well and removing the well control equipment. Pressure monitoring at the wellhead remains possible during this period.

Permanent P&A Process:
- Occurs when there is no intention to re-enter the well hole, the well must be abandoned forever because the well is no longer productive and is no longer economically viable
- The permanent P&A Process is performed by installing a barrier (such as a cement plug) to isolate the formations from each other and the surface, and the well control equipment is permanently removed

Some other important things to do:
- Before starting the P&A Process, the well must be thoroughly evaluated
- Proper cement must be used to restore the well to its original condition
- The above process must comply with ongoing Safety and Environmental Regulations

The above procedures may vary based on company policy and specific well conditions.

The knowledge needed to conduct the P&A Process:
- Human factors
- Well abandonment integrity
- Governing principles, techniques, and processes of well abandonment
- Risks and their issues
- Principles of well barriers
- Principles of barrier verification and testing
- Local legislative procedures
- Mitigation


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer.

20 June 2024

Ways To Prevent And Handle Emergency In Confined Space

Several steps must be taken to prevent and reduce emergencies in Confined Spaces:
- Have knowledge about Confined Space Regulation and Procedures
- Have knowledge about ways to plan and execute rescues
- Have a Permit To Work
- Use the right PPE and equipment: Portable Gas Detector, Tripod, Davit, Communications Equipment, Harness, Lockout Equipment, Ventilation Equipment, Rope, SCBA, Stretcher and more
- Place trained Supervisors and Rescue Teams at entrances to monitor and communicate with workers
- Test and monitor the atmosphere
- Check for dangerous gases
- Ensure proper oxygen levels
- Control all energy sources
- Control Physical and Atmospheric Hazards
- Enter the Confined Space properly
- Work in the Confined Spaces safely

Several steps to take when an emergency occurs in a Confined Space:
- Conduct Emergency and Rescue Procedures
- Notify all parties that an emergency is occurring
- Secure areas in Confined Spaces to prevent further harm
- Call a Rescue Team that is trained to handle emergencies
- Assess the situation and perform correct Entry Procedures
- Provide necessary medical assistance
- Safely remove the victim from the Confined Space
- Record, document, and evaluate all Rescue Actions that have been carried out for future reference


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

18 June 2024

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Is Very Important: Learning From PT Ceria Nugraha Indotama

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a program by companies to be socially responsible to the community and environment around them. Companies must collaborate with the surrounding community to protect the environment and improve the welfare of that community.

CSR is the most important thing for companies because CSR can:
- Build and increase corporate responsibility to the surrounding community and environment by helping to handle social problems that occur
- Make the company increasingly appreciate the community and environment around it
- Improve the reputation of the company
- Build and grow trust from investors and customers in the company

Several actions that companies can conduct to carry out CSR:
- Protect the surrounding environment from impacts and pollution
- Manage waste responsibly
- Support and develop the surrounding community
- Provide a place to work and do business for the surrounding community
- Provide investment in education, health services, and economic development for the surrounding community

CSR Program In PT Ceria Nugraha Indotama

I got all the above knowledge about CSR from some companies that I worked at in the past. Right now, I can see it also at PT Ceria Nugraha Indotama (Ceria).

When I came to the Indonesia Critical Mineral Conference 2024, I had a great discussion with Billyandri Herfiantara - Corporate Communication Officer from Ceria. Ceria was one of the main sponsors at the conference.

During the interesting conversation, Billyandri provided information that in its CSR Program, Ceria has collaborated with several MSMEs in Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi. Ceria treats these MSMEs as "Partners" built by Ceria.

Some of the MSMEs built by Ceria produce:
- Mawar Banana Chips
- Trigona Honey made by stingless bees at Sarfa Bee Farm

Other MSMEs that are also built by Ceria are MSMEs that make furniture products made from wood. Some of the products they make are:
 - Table
 - Tray
 - Cabinet
 - Bookshelf
 - Rack
 - Frame
 - Door

The CSR that has been carried out by Ceria has given Ceria the strength to continue working while also providing benefits to the surrounding community and environment.

The lesson we can learn is:

"The Best Companies always implement the Best CSR which provides the Best Benefits to the surrounding community and environment."

* Information about PT Ceria Nugraha Indotama: https://cerindocorp.com

* Information about the role of PT Ceria Nugraha Indotama at the Indonesia Critical Mineral Conference 2024: https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com/2024/06/indonesia-critical-minerals-conference.html


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

17 June 2024

Indonesia Critical Minerals Conference 2024

I was happy to attend the Indonesia Critical Minerals Conference 2024 which was held in Jakarta on June 11 - 13, 2024.

Pre-Conference Session Of The Indonesian Critical Minerals Conference 2024

Before the conference started, the organizer – Shanghai Metals Market (SMM) – invited me to attend the Pre-Conference Session of the Indonesian Critical Minerals Conference 2024 on June 10, 2024. This session was a complementary event that offered valuable insights into comprehensive ESG strategies, GHG emissions methodologies, and future trends in the nickel energy sector.

This event provided information about:

- In-depth Analysis of Market and ESG Regulatory Drivers: Impact of Battery Regulations on the nickel supply chain
- Comprehensive ESG Assessment Overview: Responsible Mineral Initiative (RMI) assessment process, which emphasizes GHG emissions reduction
- GHG Emissions Methodology: Industry standard technique for calculating GHG emissions
- Future Trends in the Nickel Energy Sector: Latest technology, cost, and ESG developments in both the new energy and traditional nickel sectors
- The latest knowledge from the experts from Shanghai Metals Market (SMM), Responsible Mineral Initiative (RMI) and Cobalt Institute

I liked attending this exclusive event to listen, gain new information and knowledge, network with industry leaders, and keep up with market developments.

Indonesian Critical Minerals Conference 2024

At the Indonesia Critical Minerals Conference 2024, one of the main sponsors - PT Ceria Nugraha Indotama - gave me the opportunity to attend the conference.

The conference provided information about:

- Nickel
- Cobalt
- Coal
- Tin
- Stainless steel
- Aluminum
- Battery
- Bauxite
- Low Carbon Aluminum
- NEV (New Energy Vehicle)
- Mining
- Natural resource reserves in Indonesia
- Price
- Market Landscape
- Policy
- ESG Development
- Coal Transportation in the APAC Region
- Aluminum market prospects
- New technologies and trends in aluminum recycling
- Local investment risks
- Financing Capabilities
- Auxiliary material for aluminum smelting
- Energy demand
- Production, price, and supply chain of tin


I would like to thank the Shanghai Metals Market (SMM) and PT Ceria Nugraha Indotama for giving me the chance to attend the Indonesia Critical Minerals Conference 2024 - both the Pre-Conference Session and the Conference. I appreciate it very much.

* Information about Shanghai Metals Market (SMM): https://www.metal.com

* Information about PT Ceria Nugraha Indotama: https://cerindocorp.com


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

16 June 2024

The Canada Mining Fair And Business To Business Event At The Indonesia Miner 2024

I am happy to have the chance to attend The Canada Mining Fair and Business To Business Event on June 6, 2024. This event was a part of the Canadian Mining Mission 2024, carried out by the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS), a division of the Embassy of Canada to Indonesia. This event was one of the events at the Indonesia Miner 2024.

At the Canada Mining Fair and Business To Business Event, the Canadian companies got the special moments to:
- Conduct Business To Business Meetings with various companies in Indonesia and around the world
- Share in-depth knowledge and information about businesses and companies in Canada
- Get useful business connections with various companies in Indonesia and the world

These Canadian companies provide various innovative services and sustainable solutions to achieve appropriate energy transition and optimize efficiency in Mining Operations.

Canada And Indonesia

Canada is interested in doing business with Indonesia because:
- Canada feels capable of helping Indonesia in developing its Mining Industry
- Canada sees opportunities for Canadian companies to develop together with the mining companies in Indonesia
- Canada believes that the advanced equipment and technology owned by Canadian companies can help mining companies in Indonesia that are located in remote areas

About Canada

- Canada is the home to a dynamic market supported by an innovative economy and friendly business community
- Canada has capabilities in various sectors
- Canada has 14 free trade agreements in force with 49 countries
- Canada is an ideal environment for partnerships and investments

About The Canadian Trade Commissioner Services

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service / TCS (www.tradecommissioner.gc.ca) is a government organization that has facilitated trade with Canada since 1895. With deep knowledge of global markets and insight into the capabilities of Canada's industrial sector, this division can connect companies with partners, strategic procurement, investment, innovation, and education in Canada. The service is free of charge, and it is provided to various companies throughout the world.

For further information regarding Canada's capabilities in various sectors including the Mining Sector, please contact the Canadian Embassy to Indonesia: jkrtatd@international.gc.ca

Information About The Canadian Companies:

* A.H. Lundberg Systems Limited (www.ahlundberg.com): Based in the province of British Columbia, A.H. Lundberg Systems Limited is a world-leading provider of chemical and industrial process solutions. It specializes in environmental control, sulfur burner systems, evaporation, and energy recovery technologies with expertise in heat and mass transfer. Various industries have been handled: pulp and paper, mining, oil and gas, chemical production, wood panel board, and mineral wool. AHLS is interested in promoting the Sulfur Burner and WESP Systems.

* Blackberry Cybersecurity (www.blackberry.com): BlackBerry provides intelligent security software and services to enterprises and governments around the world. The company secures more than 500 million endpoints including 175 million cars on the road today. Based in Waterloo, Ontario, the company leverages AI and machine learning to provide innovative solutions in the areas of cybersecurity, safety, and data privacy solutions. It is a leader in the areas of endpoint security management, encryption, and embedded systems. The FedRAMP by BlackBerry has been recommended by the US Senate, US Medical Facilities, US Major Airports, and the Government of Canada. Blackberry is interested in securing valuable assets owned by producers and mining operators in Indonesia.

* Eco-Goldex (www.eco-goldex.com): Eco-Goldex (Eco-Gold Extraction) is a Canadian company dedicated to developing and supplying innovative Eco-Goldex® technology and precious metal extraction products in the gold mining and e-waste material recycling business. Eco-Goldex's mission is to provide its simple, high-performance, and environmentally friendly products to global clients in the extraction of precious metals in the mining and e-waste recycling industries. Eco-Goldex is interested in meeting with mining companies and mining/chemical material suppliers in Indonesia.

* PROGESYS (www.progesys.ca): Progesys is a multidisciplinary project management firm founded in Canada in 2003. Various projects that have been handled: mining, metals, oil and gas, energy, infrastructure, and others. Services provided: Project Management, Construction Management, Engineering Management, Operational Readiness, Commissioning and Start-Up, ESG Implementation and Management, Audit and Training. Progesys stands out for its expertise in optimizing complex transitions from construction to operations, ensuring facility operability, reliability, and traceability. Some clients: Rio Tinto, ArcelorMittal, Glencore, Ma'aden, Vale, Suez, Oman Aluminum Company (OARC), Emirates Aluminum (Emal), Alstom, PetroVietnam, Shell, and Suncore Energy.

* Rockwell Automation (www.rockwellautomation.com): Rockwell is a global company dedicated to industrial automation and information. Featured products: Allen‑Bradley® and FactoryTalk®. Services already provided: bringing life-saving medicines at affordable costs, designing and rapidly starting new electric vehicle factories, and optimizing solar power plants with minimal cost and prototype. Rockwell in Indonesia is represented by PT Rockwell Indonesia.

* Terra Insights (www.terrainsights.com): With more than 100 years of combined measurement and monitoring technology experience, Terra Insights specializes in combining expertise and services with proven instrumentation and data management technologies used in leading projects around the world. Terra Insights provides trusted asset data to detect and monitor critical asset movements, mitigate risks with real-time actionable information, comply with environmental safety and human comfort regulations, increase production yields, and contain and reduce costs. Main customers: Amman, Agincourt, Bumi Suksesindo, Vale and Hillcon.

* TISEC Inc. (www.structuralinsights.com): TISEC Inc. is a seasoned leader with over 45 years of experience in providing worldwide Acoustic Emission Testing services, a non-destructive testing method that monitors the release of stress waves generated by internal defects or material deformation in a structure. This technique enables early detection of potential problems, provides a proactive approach to maintenance, and ensures asset longevity. Its acoustic emission testing services include Structural health monitoring (Continuous monitoring of structures for signs of damage or potential failure), Pressure vessel testing (Assessment of the structural integrity of pressure vessels to ensure compliance with safety standards), Pipeline integrity assessment (Identifying potential threats to pipeline integrity, minimizing the risk of leaks or failure), Storage tank inspections (Routine inspections to detect and address problems that could compromise the safety and reliability of storage tanks), and Quality control and evaluation materials (Unobtrusive evaluation of materials to ensure quality and reliability in the manufacturing process). TISEC's interest in the mining sector in Indonesia is to bring acoustic emissions and structural health monitoring services to Indonesia.

* Investissement Québec International (www.investquebec.com): Investissement Québec is the best partner for international businesses that are planning to move to Québec, set up a company in Québec, make the business successful in the long term and ensure the business remains competitive in the long term.

* Trade and Investment British Columbia (https://www.britishcolumbia.ca): Part of the Government of British Columbia, Trade and Investment British Columbia (Trade and Invest BC) works with international businesses and potential investors to help identify and advance investment opportunities and business expansion in British Columbia. Trade and Invest BC (trade and export services) helps companies build strong relationships with the resources, skills, and support that make BC an attractive place to work, live, and invest. Trade and Invest BC assists in navigating government export programs and financial support, advising and training in international expansion and exporter development, matching buyers and sellers in local and overseas markets, providing insight into trade agreements and barriers, introduction to trade representatives in foreign markets, and marketing entry assistance in international markets. Teams are located in Vancouver, Victoria, China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Europe and the United States.



I would like to thank the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) and the Embassy of Canada to Indonesia for giving me the chance to attend The Canada Mining Fair and Business To Business Event. I appreciate it very much.

I hope #Canada and Indonesia can collaborate and work together, so the world can be better and the best place to live by humans!


About The Indonesia Miner 2024

The Indonesia Miner 2024 was attended by more than hundreds of delegates from various mining companies, mining associations, service providers, government institutions, and mining communities – national and international. It was held for 3 days on June 4-6, 2024 in Jakarta.

Some of the topics discussed at the Indonesia Miner 2024 were:
- #Gold
- #Copper
- #Mineral
- #Nickel
- EV #Battery
- #Coal
- Renewable #Energy
- Energy Transition
- Sustainable #Industry
- Operational Method
- #Environmental Impact
- #Emission
- #Green #Economy
- Latest Technology
- Latest Trends
- Mining Industry Innovation in Indonesia
- Challenges and opportunities for the Mining Industry in Indonesia

This event was held in the form of:
- Conference
- Exhibition
- Workshop
- Discussion
- Network

The purpose of this event:
- Share information, insights, experiences, strategies, and ideas
- Unify the vision
- Conduct cooperation and collaboration
- Create the best synergistic solutions
- Find opportunities to develop further
- Achieve progress in the Mining Industry in Indonesia
- Develop a reliable, affordable, and sustainable Mining Industry in Indonesia
- Maintain Indonesia as the Leader in the Mining Industry in the world

The Indonesia #Miner is held every year and is one of the largest #mining conferences in Indonesia.


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

15 June 2024

Role Of Drones In Various Fields

Some of the sophistications owned by Drones:
- Its sophisticated sensors can monitor various things that are far from the Drone's position
- Drones can operate during the day and night because their camera can switch from Day Mode to Night Mode automatically so that the results remain clear and the colors are original (full-color)
- Drone technology can strengthen the contrast between light and dark areas, making it easier to find subjects

Therefore, Drones have become the most important tool in various fields:

Safety Field:
- Identifying heat sources
- Tracking the spread of fire
- Monitoring fires

Environmental Field:
- Conducting research
- Monitoring forest health
- Monitoring animal conditions
- Analyzing climate change
- Measuring temperature

Security Field:
- Conducting inspections
- Detecting damage
- Detecting potential hidden dangers to assets and buildings
- Searching for people who are missing in low light conditions or located behind obstacles

The things you must know when you use Drones at your work:
- Standard of Drone in professional work
- Technology and components
- Functions and risk
- Ways to use and check
- Emergency and Safety Procedures
- Maintenance

Drones have the best and most trusted reliability and performance!


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer.

Greatest Leaders

Some of the key things that the Greatest Leaders do in their companies:
- Be insightful, curious, innovative, humble, honest and loyal
- Be the Solid, Empowering, Bonding, and Engaging Leader
- Learn, including learning from mistakes and relearning
- Improve
- Expand knowledge and skills
- Empower
- Share
- Collaborate
- Be/have partner
- Develop the right strategy
- Communicate strategically
- Do dynamic discussions
- Prioritize team success
- Manage and delegate resources effectively
- Build a stronger and more efficient future
- Seek feedback
- Avoid gaps
- Deal with obstacles
- Adapt to challenges and changes
- Have courage, integrity, humility and empathy
- Be the Mentor to share skills
- Have the knowledge about Mental Health to handle stress

If you are a leader in your company, have you done this?


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer.

12 June 2024

HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature)

High Pressure in Drilling Operations in the Oil and Gas Industry refers to conditions where the pressure inside the wellbore is much higher than normal atmospheric pressure. Drilling under high pressure can result in faster drilling rates, but can also be problematic for the well.

High Temperature in Drilling Operations refers to the high temperatures that occur when a well is operating.

The above 2 conditions are called HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature), and these conditions can cause extreme challenges for operators. HPHT can affect all aspects of well construction and production, requiring a significantly different approach from the one used in non-HPHT wells.

In these challenging conditions, operators must have an understanding of:
- Principles and Characteristics of HPHT wells
- Careful Planning, Operational Procedures and Execution
- Safety and integrity
- Well design and operational requirements for HPHT wells
- Challenges of well control in HPHT environments
- Geological conditions
- Selection of rig and equipment
- Appropriate equipment, technology, and expertise
- Casing design in HPHT wells
- Drilling fluids and cement
- Ways to handle HPHT and its risks
- Ways to drill safely and effectively
- Ways to optimize production
- Data, decisions, and actions
- Drilling trends and changes
- Teamwork and communication
- Training


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer.

10 June 2024

Man Overboard

"Man Overboard" is a term that refers to an emergency where a person falls from a boat or ship into the water. Because safety is the most important thing in life, witnesses must immediately save them by taking the following steps:

- Sound an alarm on the ship to alert everyone that there is a Man Overboard
- Warn the crew by shouting "Man Overboard!" to initiate the Safety Procedure
- Alert nearby ships via radio to request assistance if needed
- Direct the ship to approach and pick up the victim
- Have several crews watch over the victim
- Throw a life vest at the victim so that the victim can hold on to the life vest and not drown
- Give instructions to the victim to self-save

If the victim cannot self-save:
- Prepare yourself and other crews to rescue the victim
- Turn off the engine on the ship when the ship is close to the victim
- Lift the victim onto the ship when the victim is at the side of the ship
- Give first aid to the victim after the victim is rescued from the water and is on the ship
- If necessary, seek medical assistance for the victim as needed

Several steps to avoid Man Overboard:
- Make sure everyone uses PPE
- Make sure Safety Equipment is available on the ship: Nets, ropes, alarms, radios and others
- Ensure cleanliness on the ship so that no one trips, slips and falls
- Work as a group to ensure help is available if an emergency occurs
- Take the Sea Safety Training regularly so that actions to avoid emergencies and save yourself and others can always be taken

The Sea Safety Team who rescue Man Overboard must have knowledge about:
- Psychology of survival
- Survival life support
- Rescue techniques
- Survival at sea


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer. 

09 June 2024

Onshore Incident Commander

Some of the most important things that an Onshore Incident Commander does when an incident or emergency occurs in a company:

- Being the "Primary Point of Contact": Being the only person contacted by the party in need
- Being the "Source of Truth": Being the only person who provides the correct information
- Being the Supervisor of the entire incident
- Being the Manager of all aspects
- Direct team
- Coordinate with the team
- Conduct and maintain clear communication between all parties and team members
- Prevent disruptions from occurring when incidents and emergencies are handled
- Prevent disruptions from occurring within the team's work
- Avoid duplication of work
- Ensure everyone is working according to the established Safety Procedures
- Establish a Chain of Command that is very important for the safety of personnel, business, and customers
- Improve safety, efficiency, and effectiveness during emergencies

The Onshore Incident Commander must have the skills to:
- Plan
- Prepare
- Prevent
- Respond
- Monitor
- Control
- Manage
- Delegate
- Command
- Communicate
- Evaluate

The Onshore Incident Commander must have the knowledge about:
- Major emergencies/incidents: Controllable ones, escalated ones and uncontrollable ones
- Emergency / Incident Plans and Procedures
- Emergency / Incident Management
- Incident Command Structure
- Incident Command Post Facilities
- Incident Management Team
- Stress


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia 

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer.

04 June 2024

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

About Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR):
- Initial aid action before the Paramedic Team arrives
- Performed in an emergency when the victim faints and has a heart attack
- Performed by using hands to press the chest

CPR is an effort to:
- Maintain brain function, and restore blood circulation and breathing in the victim
- Maintain blood flow and oxygen from the brain to other organs
- Restore heart rhythm
- Reduce their pain
- Minimize the consequences of an injury or illness

Some steps to perform CPR:
- Check pulse
- Check breathing
- If there is no pulse or breathing within 10 seconds, start performing CPR by pressing the chest firmly, quickly, and without stopping, and then give artificial respiration

Things to remember:
- To get life-giving blood and oxygen, the heart must work with its beats that make the blood and oxygen flow smoothly in the body
- When the heart stops, the body no longer gets blood and oxygen
- If blood and oxygen do not flow, the brain will be damaged

The person who conducts CPR must have knowledge about:
- Emotional Support
- Safety
- Ways to approach an accident
- CPR and Rescue Breathing
- First Aid Techniques
- Respiratory system
- Circulatory system
- Systematic assessment of the casualty
- Management of Bleeding
- Ways to perform emergency life support techniques
- Airway and choking management
- Internal and external bleeding
- Unconscious casualty
- Shock

Let's take care of and protect our lives :-)


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer.

02 June 2024

Offshore Fire Team

Offshore Fire

Various emergencies that can occur offshore and on oil and gas platforms:
- Damage
- Accident
- Fire

Fire can occur offshore when three basic elements meet:
- An ignition source (heat)
- A fuel source (something that burns)
- Oxygen

Here are some common causes of fire on offshore:
- Damaged wiring
- Electrical equipment that is not working properly
- Flammable materials that are placed carelessly and disposed of carelessly
- Human errors: Leaving the working area unattended, not handling heat properly, and others
- Dust
- Heaters that are not properly maintained
- Friction on the machine
- Liquids, chemicals and gases

To extinguish a fire offshore, use the following methods:
- Call the Offshore Fire Team !!!
- Take the Fire Extinguisher
- Pull the pin located on the Fire Extinguisher
- Point the Fire Extinguisher at the fire
- Press the button to activate the Fire Extinguisher
- Move the Fire Extinguisher to all sides of the source/base of the fire

Warning!!! Immediately leave the room where the fire occurs if:
- You cannot extinguish the fire
- The fire is too big and cannot be controlled

Offshore Fire Team

The Offshore Fire Team needs the right knowledge about:
- Offshore Emergency
- Safety Procedures
- Fire: Theory, properties, classification and triangle
- Hazardous atmospheres
- Extinguisher: Types, capabilities, limitations, techniques, operation, and maintenance
- PPE and SCBA
- Ways to handle emergency
- Ways to use handheld fire extinguishers
- Ways to fight the Class A, B, C and D Fires

The above knowledge will provide the team with the ability to:
- Travel safely by using Helicopter / Boat
- Prevent, reduce, and handle emergencies
- Use the safety equipment
- Use PPE, SCBA, Survival Suit, Lifeboat, TEMPSC and more
- Breath properly using the right equipment
- Self-save and self-rescue when an emergency occurs
- Use firefighting equipment
- Extinguish fires in helicopters/offshore/sea
- Board/leave a helicopter in an emergency
- Escape from a helicopter following ditching
- Escape from smoke-filled areas
- Help coworkers
- Conduct first aid
- Survive from sea/offshore

Safety should always be the top priority!


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer.

01 June 2024

Safety At Confined Space

Confined Spaces are not made as houses and are not designed to be occupied continuously for too long. Confined Spaces can be in the form of tanks, storage areas, holes, tunnels, pipelines, etc. Confined Space can be shaped as tanks, storage areas, holes, tunnels, pipelines, etc.

Unique properties of Confined Space:
- Limited
- Narrow
- Dark
- Contains hazardous ingredients

Emergencies inevitably occur in Confined Space because Confined Space has:
- Hazardous atmosphere
- Heat
- Gas
- Material that resulted in an incident
- Machine that can be damaged at any time
- Power cables that can cause short circuits

For emergencies in Confined Spaces to be prevented, workers must:
- Get the right training to work in a Confined Space safely
- Use the right PPE and equipment
- Have a "Permit To Work" in a Confined Space
- Ensure that the Confined Space and equipment are in good condition
- Communicate with the Rescue Team

To prevent and handle emergencies, the Rescue Team in Confined Space must have knowledge about:
- Safety Regulations and Emergency Response Procedures in Confined Spaces
- Hazards and ways to control it
- PPE and equipment: Gas Detector, Tripod, Davit, Communications Equipment, Harness, Ventilation Equipment, Rope, SCBA, Stretcher and more
- Permit To Work
- Ways to enter, retrieve, and rescue

Safety Regulations and Emergency Response Procedures in Confined Spaces that have been established must be adhered to so that accidents, injuries, and deaths can be prevented.


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find out more about me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer.