19 October 2023

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) is a very toxic gas. H2S binds to an important enzyme in cells in the human body so that these cells cannot produce energy and cause death in humans.

H2S causes serious health problems:
- Hard to breathe
- Irritation to eyes and skin
- Body disorders: The victim feels weak
- Digestive disorders: The victim feels nauseous and then vomits
- Head disorders: Headache and dizziness
- Seizures
- Death

H2S can be found at:
- Sewerage, including septic tanks
- Waste Water Treatment Installation
- Areas that produce oil and gas
- All factories (paper mills, steel and others)
- Volcanic area
- Places to decompose organic materials
- Basement

Some ways to protect yourself from H2S:
- Always be aware of all areas you visit, because H2S can be everywhere
- Use PPE when working in areas where H2S may be present, such as Confined Spaces and others
- Use a Gas Detector
- Leave the place immediately if there is a suspicious smell

Warning: No drug can treat H2S. If you are exposed to H2S, seek medical help immediately to prevent death!

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13 October 2023

Offshore Emergency

3 emergencies that usually occur Offshore:
- Emergency at sea
- Emergency in Helicopter
- Offshore Emergency

Emergency At Sea

Accidents that usually occur at sea:
- The ship was disturbed and damaged due to strong currents, waves, and storm
- The ship collided with another ship
- Passengers drowned

The right skills to save ourselves and survive when we travel to/through the sea is needed because:
- The sea is a dangerous environment
- Accidents can happen to anyone
- Rescue actions cannot occur quickly because the Rescue Team needs time to find you and save you

When traveling at sea, have the right knowledge about:
- PPE, life jacket and more
- Necessary equipment (rafts, nets, lifeboats)
- Bad weather
- Dangers at sea
- Damaged ships and boats
- Signal For Help
- Food and drinking water in the sea
- Ways to survive in the sea

Emergency In Helicopter

The process of escaping from a Helicopter underwater is very challenging. Some steps to take to escape from Helicopter underwater:
- Stay calm and follow instructions from the crew
- Use EBS / CA-EBS which helps to breathe underwater
- Remove the seat belt from the shoulder
- Move to the nearest Emergency Exit
- Open the Emergency Door and exit the Helicopter
- Swim away from the Helicopter quickly to avoid the explosion from the Helicopter
- Develop a life jacket

Some other steps to consider:
- Be aware of your surroundings
- Be prepared to react quickly
- Don't panic so that mistakes don't happen
- Breathe slowly and deeply
- Use EBS / CA-EBS correctly by ensuring that the mask fits tightly
- Maintain physical and mental calm so that you remain strong while waiting for the Rescue Team

Offshore Emergency

The best ways to face Offshore Emergencies:
- Recognize the dangers and risks that usually occur in Offshore Oil and Gas Installations
- Get to know the applicable regulations
- Have proper knowledge regarding Safety Management and Safety Procedures
- Use Safety and Emergency Equipment (PPE, Lifeboat, TEMPSC)

The best ways to handle emergency occurs Offshore:
- Sound an alarm to give a warning
- Provide information regarding emergencies that occur using Radio
- Carry out the Emergency Procedures owned by the Offshore Installation
- Save yourself via the Evacuation Route
- Save yourself when an emergency occurs in the Helicopter
- Save yourself when you are in an area filled with smoke
- Extinguish the fire using the right fire extinguisher
- Perform first aid
- Get help from the Medical Team
- Take the right actions to survive in the sea

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05 October 2023

Ways To Prevent And Handle Emergency In Offshore Installation

Some emergencies that occur in Offshore Installations:
- Fire
- Explosions caused by gas, faulty electricity and equipment
- Oil spills caused by accidents on tankers, burst pipes, and exploded wells

Ways to prevent emergencies occurring at Offshore Installations:
- Have an Emergency Response Plan
- Implement Safety Procedures
- Provide proper training to all personnel to use Safety Equipment, handle emergencies, and carry out Evacuation Processes
- Inspect and maintain all equipment and systems
- Detect emergencies as early as possible by using Sensors, Alarms, Smoke, Gas, Explosion and Fire Detection Devices
- Use the latest technology, one of which is Drones and Robots which can be used to assess the situation, identify hazards, enter dangerous areas, and perform tasks, such as extinguishing fires and searching for victims

Ways to handle emergencies that occur in Offshore Installations:
- Isolate the area
- Turn off machines and equipment
- Extinguish the fire
- Close all facilities that experience leaks
- Carry out Evacuation Procedures/Process
- Coordinate with the Emergency Services Team

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04 October 2023

Incident Management

Incidents are disruptions that occur in Business Operations. Incidents can be caused by various factors, such as human error, equipment damage, natural disasters, and others. Incident Management is required to:

- Identify incidents through monitoring
- Categorize incidents to help determine incident severity and appropriate response
- Prioritize incidents by considering the impact of the incident on the business and the number of people affected
- Respond to incidents by investigating the incident, developing a resolution plan, and implementing the plan
- Close an incident by documenting the incident, reviewing the response, and taking steps to prevent a similar incident from occurring in the future

The Key to Incident Management: Identify, Respond, Resolve, Minimize!

Guide to conducting Incident Management:
- Have an Incident Management Plan that outlines the steps to take if an incident occurs and the roles and responsibilities of the team
- Use tools to track and handle incidents
- Document incidents that occur
- Communicate with parties who can help to minimize incidents that have disrupted Business Operations
- Review and identify various things that need to be improved so that similar incidents can be prevented from occurring in the future

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27 September 2023

Strategy To Handle Offshore Emergency

Below are 3 strategies that must be implemented by companies to handle complex and challenging Offshore emergencies.

To mitigate emergencies and ensure personnel safety:
- Identify the type of hazard, number of personnel working, and possible environmental impacts
- Have an Emergency Response Plan
- Alert Emergency Response Officers, Offshore Installation Operators, Coast Guard

When an emergency occurs:
- Implement Emergency Procedures
- Evacuate personnel from Offshore Installations to safe locations using Lifeboats, Helicopters, and other means of transportation
- Handle victims by performing first aid
- Respond to emergencies by extinguishing fires and others

Once the emergency has been handled:
- Fix crash
- Clean pollution
- Return personnel to the installation

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21 September 2023


Warning: Fire is fire! No matter how small a fire, fire is a very dangerous and detrimental emergency!

Small fires can be very dangerous because:
- It's difficult to see and smell, especially if a small fire occurs in a messy room, behind items and there is smoke from other sources in the area
- It's difficult to detect, so it is too late to extinguish
- It spreads quickly, especially if there are flammable materials nearby
- It's uncontrollable
- It produces a lot of toxic smoke (a mixture of gases and particles released when something burns), making it difficult to see and breathe

Here are some tips for staying safe from small fires:
- Have a Smoke Detector
- Have a Fire Extinguisher and read the instructions carefully so that everyone can use it correctly in an emergency
- Know how to put out fires
- Have a Fire Rescue Plan and Evacuation Plan and practice regularly escaping from the source of fire so everyone knows what to do in an emergency

Prevent and handle fires by taking the right training! If you are the owner of a house, apartment, shop, small company and others, take the right training so you can save your property and yourself.

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19 September 2023

Confined Space And Emergency

Some of the dangers found in Confined Spaces:
- Lack of oxygen
- Dust
- Decaying organic matter
- Chemical spills
- Short circuit
- Damage to electricity
- Toxic smoke and gas
- Flammable materials
- Fire and explosion
- Flood

All of these hazards can cause asphyxiation, injury, and death to workers working in Confined Spaces.

Working in Confined Spaces should only be carried out by workers who have received appropriate training and have sufficient experience.

Entrepreneurs and Company Owners and their management have the responsibility to ensure that:
- Workers are in safe conditions when working in Confined Spaces
- Safety Procedures are in place
- Safety equipment is provided and used

Companies that have Confined Space must:
- Create and have a plan to save workers working in Confined Spaces
- Know the steps to be taken if an emergency occurs
- Prepare and provide appropriate PPE for work performed in Confined Spaces: SCBA, ropes and others
- Always communicate with workers working in Confined Spaces
- Have appropriate regulations so that work in Confined Spaces can be carried out safely, including emphasizing to workers not to enter Confined Spaces alone and they must get proper training and certificates first before working in Confined Spaces
- Always be aware of the dangers that exist in Confined Spaces
- Immediately take appropriate action to save workers if an emergency occurs in a Confined Space

If an emergency occurs in a Confined Space:
- Actions to rescue workers from Confined Spaces may only be carried out by a Rescue Team that has been trained and equipped with the right equipment
- Dangers must be handled: Turn off the machine, ventilate the room, clean the room of dangerous gases and others
- Rescue Teams must enter Confined Spaces safely and carefully
- Workers must be found and rescued immediately by removing them from the Confined Space and moving them to a safe place
- First aid must be provided immediately
- The Rescue Team must also be able to exit the Confined Space safely

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18 August 2023

The Importance Of HSE In The Company

All companies must have HSE so that companies can create a safe and healthy work environment for all management and all employees.

As a company owner, you must:
- Comply with applicable regulations
- Protect the work environment
- Ensure that your workers are safe and healthy

As an HSE Manager / Officer, you must:
- Implement HSE Policies and Procedures in the company
- Identify, assess, and control risks
- Provide assessment and advice to workers
- Provide recommendations to company owners

As a worker, you must:
- Work safely
- Comply with HSE Policies and Procedures
- Report hazards and concerns to the company

Some of the things regulated in HSE are Industrial Safety Procedures and Work Safety Procedures.

Industrial Safety Procedures address several topics as follows:
- Safety in everyday work: falls, slips, trips, electrical hazards
- Safety in site: Confined Space
- Safety in production: dangerous machines and vehicles
- Safety in material: hazardous chemicals, explosives
- Safety from fire: combustible materials, heat-generating machines
- Safety in Electricity: damaged electrical equipment, cables, voltage
- Safety in the building: building collapse
- Safety in the environment: pollution

Work Safety Procedures must be owned by the company to:
- Create a safe and healthy work environment
- Prevent, reduce, and manage hazards and risks
- Protect workers from harm, injury, and death
- Prevent and reduce losses
- Increase productivity and profitability
- Comply with applicable regulations
- Monitor and review Occupational Safety Practices

Companies must have knowledge of HSE by providing the necessary training to their employees.


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14 August 2023

Safety Procedures When Working At Height

Ways to prevent accidents when working at height:
- Use Fall Protection Equipment when working at heights
- Workers must know about Fall Rescue Procedures
- Workers should be trained regularly
- Prepare the Rescue Plan

Ways to save workers who fall from a height:
- Assess the situation and ensure the safety to approach fallen workers
- Check for any hazard that could harm rescuers and fallen workers (unstable surfaces, power lines, moving vehicles)
- Call emergency services
- Talk to the workers who fell to assess the injury (bleeding, broken bones, head injuries)
- The process of transferring victims (whether conscious or unconscious) should only be carried out by trained Safety Officers
- Move the victims to a safe location using ladders and ropes
- Perform First Aid
- Provide emotional support by staying with the victims until the victims can be rescued and given the care they need

So that your company can ensure the best safety for its workers who work at height, please give the best course they need.

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08 August 2023

All About HSE

Important aspects of HSE:
- Knowledge of hazards and risks in the workplace
- Ability to prevent accidents and injuries
- Regulations governing HSE

The benefits of HSE:
- Reducing accidents and injuries because workers work safely
- Increasing productivity because workers feel safe
- Reducing medical expenses and legal fees

Things that are usually regulated in HSE:
- Substances, dust, chemicals, and noise that can be harmful to health
- Design, layout, and provision of secure areas
- Safe equipment and machinery
- Security
- Safe way of working

Ways to raise HSE awareness:
- Provide courses on hazards and risks in the workplace and how to avoid them
- Create a culture of safety as a priority
- Enforce applicable regulations and accountability

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31 July 2023

Having Knowledge Of First Aid

We must have First Aid knowledge so that we can:
- Handle emergencies
- Have the confidence to help victims in need
- Save lives
- Help victims who have lost their breath, are injured, and unconscious
- Reduce pain
- Assist victims in remote areas who are injured and sick
- Prevent further injury and bleeding
- Prevent shock, anxiety, and stress

Some important actions that must be taken when doing First Aid:
- Remain calm and think clearly when assessing an emergency
- Call for help if needed
- Do not move injured victims unless necessary
- Convince victims that you can help them
- Follow the instructions from the Medical Team if the team is already at the location

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29 July 2023

Drones For Safety And Surveillance

How can Drones be used for security and surveillance? Drones can help to:
- Conduct patrols in a large area
- Provide a wide perimeter view
- Prevent "intruders" by detecting suspicious activity
- Track specific targets (individuals and vehicles), so that the Security Team can monitor potential security threats
- Search for lost people and objects in hard-to-reach areas
- Monitor critical infrastructure (power plants, dams, and pipelines) to prevent accidents
- Monitor wildlife populations and track their movements to protect endangered species and conserve natural resources
- See in the dark
- Detect hazardous materials (gases)

Some of the challenges that must be faced:
- Drones can be used to collect data about people and this data can be used for malicious purposes
- The use of Drones must comply with applicable regulations so that it can complicate the deployment of Drones in some areas
- Drones usage may be affected by weather conditions (wind and rain) and this can hinder the Drones' work and reduce the quality of data collected

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13 July 2023

Benefits And Assistance Drone Provides To Fire Team

Drone with its ever-new technology can be a valuable tool for Fire Teams. Some of the benefits and assistance that Drone can provide to the team:
- Flying directly over the fire location
- Being the "eyes" for the team and providing information about the fire that occurs
- Performing tasks that are too dangerous for humans
- Accessing dangerous and hard-to-reach areas
- Seeking and finding victims trapped behind the smoke, darkened rooms, burning buildings, and other structures
- Identifying hot spots
- Assessing the size of the fire
- Mapping the fire boundaries
- Extinguishing fires, especially those that occur in areas that are difficult to reach by the team

Drone helps Firefighters plan their attacks and ensure they get all hot spots.

Some other exciting things:
- Drone cannot be hurt and killed
- Drone can be repaired and replaced
- Drone is already being used by Fire Departments around the world

So, let's use Drone to help us :-)

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10 July 2023

Emergency In Helideck

Some of the emergencies that usually occur in the Helideck:
- Fires caused by fuel spills, electrical short circuits, and hot objects
- Objects dropping from Helicopter during Helicopter take-off and landing
- Strong winds can complicate the operation of the Helicopter and can also increase the risk of fire
- Corrosion on the Helideck caused by seawater makes the Helideck slippery and can increase the risk of falling

Steps to take in the event of a fire at the Helideck:
- Staying calm, because panicking will only make things worse
- Turning on the alarm
- Wearing PPE
- Putting out the fire with a fire extinguisher if the fire is small
- Asking for help from the Fire Team and Emergency Services Team if the fire is big and out of control
- Listening to the instructions of the Firefighters if you are assigned to help handle the fire
- Regardless of the type of fire, evacuating immediately via a designated escape route

One important thing to always remember: Stay away from fire, heat, and smoke!

The above Safety Procedures that can help to ensure the safety of anyone working at Helideck can be learned by taking the right training.

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26 June 2023

Why Companies Should Use Drones

Some of the reasons why companies need to use Drones:
- Drones can help Security Process
- Drones can help Search and Rescue Missions
- Drones can face dangerous and extreme environments, conditions, and situations (crimes, fires, natural disasters)
- Drones can adapt to bad weather (rain, strong winds)
- Drones have sensors that can work faster and better than humans
- Drones can work at night because the sensors on the Drone can see things that are located in dark areas that the human eye cannot see
- Drones can see various objects behind and inside things (behind walls, indoors)
- Drones can provide the required information
- Drones can work in Real-Time and Live

Do not hesitate to use Drone because:
- Its technology is constantly updated
- It works faster than humans
- It can climb to a higher position easily

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25 June 2023

How To Work In Confined Space Safely

Confined Space is a very dangerous area!

Here are some ways to work in Confined Spaces safely:
- Hazards assessed & known: sharp objects, lack of oxygen, fire, short circuit, bacteria, viruses
- Obtain Permit To Work: This permit also contains precautions to be taken to reduce hazards
- Use PPE: helmet, goggles, mask, gloves, SCBA, protective clothing
- Use required equipment: Portable Gas Detectors, Tripods, Davits, Communications Equipment, Harnesses, Straps & more
- Monitoring is carried out by the Rescue Team which will also assist if an emergency occurs
- Execute the proper process to enter the Confined Space, including entering the Confined Space slowly & carefully & also be aware of the environment
- Provide information to the Rescue Team about your condition & environment
- Execute the proper process to exit the Confined Space safely

“Another key” to working in Confined Spaces safely:
- Never enter a Confined Space alone
- Do not enter the Confined Space when you are sick
- Whatever problems you encounter while in the Confined Space, get out immediately & let the Rescue Team know

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23 June 2023

How To Control Emergency In Offshore Installation

Several emergencies can occur in an Offshore Installation:
- Incidents that occur in wells and pipes
- Explosions and fires
- The incident that happened in the Helicopter
- Waves and objects hitting Offshore Installations
- Offshore Installations lose their stability

Following are some steps to control an emergency in an Offshore Installation:
- Ensure that all personnel have been trained to handle emergencies
- Ensure that all personnel are aware of their roles and responsibilities
- Have an Emergency Response Team
- Have an Emergency Plan
- Have a Chain of Command
- Implement Safety Procedures
- Conduct a quick and accurate risk and situation assessment
- Prevent the emergency from happening in the first place
- Monitor and detect emergencies from the start in a fast and coordinated manner
- Communicate clearly and concisely
- Prioritize resources
- Handle emergencies
- Carry out the recovery process after the emergency can be handled
- Ensure personnel safety
- Assess damage and make repairs

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21 June 2023

Why HSE Is Important

All companies must apply HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) to maintain and protect the health, safety, and welfare of employees, companies, customers, and the public. HSE is a series of processes and procedures designed to:
- Identify, reduce, and eliminate potential hazards, hazards, and risks
- Prevent and handle incidents and accidents
- Handle injuries and illnesses that occur due to work
- Prevent damage to the company and the environment
- Ensure compliance with applicable regulations

The benefits of HSE are:
- Improving employee welfare and satisfaction
- Alertness can be improved
- Reducing losses
- Preventing fines and legal proceedings
- Increasing productivity and quality
- Companies can demonstrate their responsibility and compliance with HSE to the public so that the company's reputation in the eyes of customers, investors, and regulators is maintained
- Companies can contribute to environmental sustainability

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15 May 2023

How To Deal With Fire At The Helideck

Fires in Helideck can occur due to:
- Spilled fuel
- There is interference with electricity and short circuit
- Presence of hot objects, gases, and flammable materials
- Rupture of fuel storage tanks and lines

Helidecks must have:
- Proper Fire Extinguishing System
- Procedures to minimize fire risk, prevent fire and ensure personnel safety

To minimize damage and protect personnel, the following steps can be taken to deal with a fire that occurs at the Helideck:
- The right actions must be taken quickly and efficiently
- Sound the alarm to notify all personnel
- Operations at the Helideck must stop immediately
- Firefighting equipment installed in the Helideck must be used immediately to extinguish the fire
- The evacuation process must be carried out by moving all personnel from the Helideck to a safe place
- Contact Emergency Services
- Monitor fires until the fire is completely extinguished and ensure there are no remaining hot spots

Personnel working at Helideck must take training in Safety, Fire, and Emergency Procedures so that they are prepared to handle emergencies.

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12 May 2023

Protection To Do When Working At Height

Some steps to protect workers from falls, injury, and death when working at height:
- Plan work at height carefully
- Identify potential hazards and risks in the workplace
- Oversee work
- Keep workspace free of debris and equipment that may cause a trip and fall hazard
- Implement measures to eliminate and reduce hazards
- Provide Safety and Fall Protection Equipment to workers (PPE, Harness, Lanyard, guardrail, safety net, ladder, rope) based on specific hazards and work environment
- Ensure that equipment is properly maintained and functioning properly
- Create a plan to rescue workers taking into account the height, equipment, and number of Rescue Teams required
- Have a Rescue Team that has been trained to carry out rescues

Workers must take training on:
- Safety Practices
- The risk of working at a height
- Danger of falling
- How to properly inspect, use and maintain equipment for protection
- How to handle an emergency

Employers should also conduct regular Safety Audits and Inspections to ensure the safety and well-being of workers in any work environment.

Some steps that can be taken to save workers from high angles:
- Call for emergency help and Rescue Team as soon as possible
- Set safe boundaries around the accident site, secure the area, and provide protection to workers and rescuers
- Quickly assess the situation to determine the extent of injuries and difficulties that may be encountered in the Rescue Operation
- Evacuate workers carefully and provide First Aid

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